“In your patience possess ye your souls.” –Luke 21:19
"Possess your souls, be your own men, keep up the authority and dominion of reason, and keep under the tumults of passion, that neither grief nor fear may tyrannize over you, nor turn you out of the possession and enjoyment of yourselves.’’
"In suffering times, set patience upon the guard for the preserving of your souls; by it keep your souls composed and in a good frame, and keep out all those impressions which would ruffle you and put you out of temper.’’
-Matthew Henry in his commentary on Luke 21
I write at the beginning of the end of a long engagement personally. I feel it undeniably. I know it. Things are drawing to an end a stage of life is ending and a new one is fading into beginning.
And it is fitting on this day that I write to talk about an end to things because the world is to suppose to by the authority of some men end this day. I chuckle at that idea but today, we should use this day and show respect and reverence to God and his destructive power on the 7000th anniversary of the flood that baptized the world and made it again new.
And I must choose this day in patience to possess my soul, as should many other men. And remind others to let reason say perhaps today will most likely not bring the end. BUT in this moment, I find it a fitting opportunity to reflect on a majestic God and the last 7000 years of history and how it affects me in my own unfolding one!
The great grace-filled and loving God who never gave up on His creation the One who never gave up on me. And all the diversity of birds and dogs that came in those 7000 years since that water filled event. What beauty he breathed into the world even still…when it needed and deserved utter destruction.
I was struck by Luke 21 as it begins with the parable of the widow who gave the two pennies, all she had. I think she knew somehow and was caught up in the idea that the world was at an end of sorts...being willing to in a sense " throw it all away" strangely I find there is no more fitting a parable to begin with than this in any beginning.
She found something greater...and that God honors faith… holding things openly and in the proper perspective of letting it begin again.
I’ve been so struck by this thought as of late as much of the world remains in a state of flux. The profession I pursue is torn between old habits, business practices and old economies and is struggling to make itself viable in the emerging world. And my life is delayed by old ways and old powers shifting into newer ones.The thought that to begin again takes humility unprocessed by much of the world and yet how good it is to step into an open hand way of life letting Christ Rule and Reign in our little Worlds larger World and hearts.
The past 8 months have told me this and if I have taken any big lesson it would simply be- I would not wish to live the way my parents live and have crafted their lives because it is not the world Christ is making new with and within me as a character and part of the plot. I can understand every angle and desire they have and the world those desires and circumstances birthed- that is their story not mine.
It is better to live with open hands and go where Christ directs as the author of our lives which in Elise and I’s case for now is NYC and be willing to give all we have to follow where He directs.
Elise and I are moving to NYC. We are beginning again. Crafting a life of two diversities and letting God’s tangle us in unity. Jumping in radical faith and willing to give up all of our two pennies to do so. There is no guarantee of work. There is no guarantee of housing. Only the truth that God wants to make the world anew and he wants to infuse beauty and diversity into it and use us in that process!
We are humbled and overjoyed for the God-filled things which are slowly beginning to unfold as we move toward that new beginning at the apparent “ end of the world”.
We do hope the world doesn’t end today. But if it does we will both be in heaven with our maker and nothing else will matter but the joy that supernovas in our hearts.
I thank my God that he has never given up on me. May I never give up on Him and who He is! He makes all things new!