Friday, October 29, 2010

Psalm 27

I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes wait for for the Lord.

-Psalm 27 13-14

To Wait is good

My life is good and is so immensely blessed.

I come to that conclusion far to little in my life.

But it is true.

I look at my life, my beautiful wife, who I am, and where we are , and where we are going and I smile because life is good and I am so richly blessed by a good God.

And its not because he has given me a great architecture job, cause that hasn’t happened yet! It’s because I know deep down God loves me - that , whatever my lot it is good. It has not failed me yet and I should not doubt it will in the future

If this season has taught me anything through deep sensible reflection it is that the reason life is good is because I have let Christ be king in my life… let Him have control…even when I doubt him to be good and deny the love He has for me.

Therefore, the most sensible thing to do is let Him be Lord and let me be loved by Him even when I can’t understand or see the full picture, submitting to his will.

The decision to pursue New York City for Elise and I’s life has been an interesting journey . It hasn’t been easy by any means but as time has progressed we see God’s continued leading and wise governance over the situation.

And the simple fact has come that to wait on something is good.

Financially I will not mention numbers but we should, should a certain job go through have enough money to completely pay for our move to New York, all of our furniture ,trips to NYC for interviews, first months rent and a security deposit by January 1st, 2011 just through what Elise and I have saved while in Colorado.

If I would have had my way I would have had a job with a company I applied for in SoHo in late July. And would have moved to NYC September 1st of this year. An unrealistic dream!

But this way is better and I would not trade the humility and confidence growing within Elise and I the rest and simplicity of knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that God loves us and is directing our lives forward, for anything.

It’s been such a blessing to be here with both sets of parents, to be able to talk with them enjoy life with them and discover who they are.

The Lord is good, May we always remember even when things happen that we don’t understand.

-John Grinstead

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Quiet Place called Colorado

The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.

Mark 6:30-32

Monday, October 11, 2010

Rest + Simplicity

While in school I had these breaks in the chaos that was architecture school: working, managing a social life, trying to have generally good sleeping habits and wooing a woman. But those breaks were not enough time to rest and to get at what God really wished to do. Because other things had to come first.I am seeing that every day more and more.

There is an adjustable time-line to God's working in our lives. We have to pass the test before we can move on.

See, God shaped me while in school. He did a lot of shaping that I am only now really discovering the immensity of . He was working with my breaking point giving enough rest to develop me and shape me in the breaking point to bring me to this point where He could accomplish what he is accomplishing now.

Surprisingly though, even though I have been here in Colorado for two months now and been four months tomorrow since I graduated; It is only really just now in this length of time of stopping that I am finally having these moments like these... where I finally feel like I am on the precipice of walking into what I was meant to all along.

There are these rare moments that are becoming more commonplace where I simply enjoy the fact I am married and becoming who I am. Rejoicing in God's goodness graced in my present where my education and experience collides with my career heart and action. It is different than anything I have experienced before it is so good yet defies my best attempt to conjure up words.

I get to share a bed with a woman and get to live life's simplicities with her: Apple Cider. Reading in bed. Autumn Puzzles. Cooking tacos. Sitting at Panera for hours just catching up while eating 3 desserts. Watching Planet Earth.

I am moved by the simplicity of this time and what God is doing in me.

I am moved to my heart. to joy and immense peace and confidence.

I am moved by how God is providing for the realities of what I can imagine and have no idea.

He is very thorough.

He is very good. Even when I don't see that. The fact is true.

Why would I not believe?

Why would I not choose to Love itself?


Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Run in the Night

I’ve been reflecting.

I finally have brought myself to it.

To be honest it has taken me so long because I feared the pain of seeing the blessing of what I was letting go of…choosing to hold everything with open hands.

Why did I fear. A good God will never lead me into something that will not in time set my heart ablaze.

He is a God who works over time and perfectly and thoroughly not missing a speck in my heart. Who rips soul and spirit apart to create a perfect person in perfect will and perfect joy.

I read through all of my blogs of the past 5+ years

I saw college through a wide angle lens and in turn saw God.

Saw my narrow entries.

But despite me..

God was there…and everywhere working despite all humanity.

We have confidence in the Lord concerning you, that you are doing and will continue to do what we command. May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ.

Paul saw that. That is why there is freedom in true Christianity because God is good not because we are any better.

In the words of my sister’s pastor this weekend God did not save christians from the curse. We are still broken and in need. God deems that beneficial to us and the relationship we have with Him because we are therefore not hinging our joy on ourselves but on God’s good works despite us.

" Our lord said"go" but he also said "wait," and the waiting had to come before the going. Had the disciples gone forth as missionaries before the day of pentacost, it would have been an overwhelming spiritual disaster, for they could have done no more than make converts of their own likeness, and this would have altered for the worse the whole history of the western world and had consequences throughout the ages to come."
-Tozer (warfare of the Spirit)

There are days where I wonder what this time is here for…and I would be a fool to say I know what this time is here for.
I speculate often. But what I do know is that it is wrong to manhandle the timetable…I am here til God says “go” in his perfect timing.

He is the ultimate authority in my life. Not myself. The spirit inside of me which he has given has enabled me to go but certain things must happen before others.

I saw that in my writing how perfect was the timing of it all, perfect against my will and frustration. And that is why I can reflect in such overwhelming joy and holding it with open hands.

God is in this moment even now. I can rejoice in this time to reflect and realize who I am; all those people I took the blessing that God gave me and met them impacted them and was able to be a blessing to them. I have 22 letters from 22 men who I was blessed to impact.

That book brings me to rejoicing tears every time I go through it by myself.

In Landon’s words I left a legacy for others to walk into. I trust God that even if they fail in reaching my most lofty hopes for their lives God is still working within the larger timetable and working in their lives. I pray they can become spiritually worthy realizing their own brokenness and sinfulness in order that they might be able to go to the ends of the world proclaiming the gospel and not delaying any longer and making it more painful for God to finally break them and bring them to their knees.

This song from Jars of Clay entitled Run In the Night describe my situation very well. The things I am learning and describes this blogs reasoning better than I could do.Enjoy.

I know who I am

Once I was nameless, alone and You found me

You formed my knees to bend

You called me beloved

I am perfection

All my failures won't condemn me

Or leave me paralyzed and bound

And when I'm at my worst

Your love, it finds me first

By You I can run in the night

For by You I can run in the night

For I am such a man

Seized by the power of a great perfection

No matter where I am

Peace spreads below me in every direction

When evil sets the war upon me

I won't stumble, I won't fall

And though they do their worst

Your love has found me first

For by You I can run in the night

For by You I can run in the night

For by You I can run in the night

Hide me in the shelter of...

Keep me in the cover of...

Lead me in the light of Your love

Hide me in the light of Your love

For by You I can run in the night

For by You I can run in the night

For by You I can run in the night

For by You I can run in the night

For by You I can run in the night

For by You I can run in the night

For by You I can run in the night

For by You I can run in the night