Saturday, August 30, 2008


I haven't really blogged in a while. I really haven't had time nor the energy too. Construction in the basement seems to be life these days.

It seems as of late there are so many things running through my head, yet they consistently run and never stop or slow down enough for me to catch their name or hear their story.

Elise was telling me the other day this is a good thing because it forces me to hear God apart from my intellectual mindset and study and find God in the moment in the new ways He is calling me to.

I haven't been very good at it, but, you know, that's Okay. I want my old ways of meeting God back when he clearly desires for me to meet him in the new but I will obey though it may be difficult and a little overwhleming and quite exhausting...

One thing though that my mind has been dwelling on and I think I can actually somewhat grasp in the not grasping is how little we really get of what God says or does.

I am only human and in that, I get so little of what is truly going on. I mean if you stop and think about all of this life the universe etc how big it is and how many molucules or atoms are contained within it and then this idea that God holds it all together. He frickin knows all 6 billion people on this planets story and knows them intimately.He holds every single molocule together.How crazy!

We are so little and He is so great.

I got together with one of my good christian buddies last night, a good godly friend from highschool, along with a few friends of his. He introduced me to his friends as the "most solid christian guy from our highschool." I love this guy to death for who he is and who he has become in Christ but I hate complements like that. Its not about me. I am so arrogant and selfish and realize probably more than anyone how what might impress people with what I do, what I write, books I recommend, how wise I am,what God has done in my life etc. is completely worthless from my end. God alone redeems every moment and does with it what He wills. He alone, makes it absolutely incredible.

Anyways I think that is all I can muster. May God use it.

FQOTW:(favorite quote of the week)

The church is like maneur, too much of it in one place and it stinks up the place, spread it out it enriches the world.
-Aaron Stern

To HIs glory alone,

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008


It's funny how you wish you could write of the story that you see unfold before you eyes. The very words you forget to mention that capture the best memories life has given us so far.

But a lot of those memories will remain unwritten. But instead of calling it a shame why not rejoice in the simple fact that something that great could never be contained to click clacks pen ink or a song. 

I could write tonight that God holds in his wonderful hands this fragile messy blue-green planet and that He has everything perfectly under his Sovereignty, but what good do words do to express such a concept. Such a wonderful concept. He has held together all the unwritten stories of the individuals who have walked this planet. Weaved them together to express His love. That's just mind blowing.

 How great our PaPa in heaven's love is for us. All of us. 

When we see God's great and awesome character and believe Him to be who He is and has always proven Himself to be. There is something so freeing in that thought. I rest in that thought.

To His great love ,

Thursday, August 07, 2008


This has to be one of the most incredible bridges I have ever seen. Wow! Make's you want to move to Brazil or something!

It is called the Octavio Frias de Oliveira Bridge. Check it out its pretty awesome.


Friday, August 01, 2008

Present Mentions

This summer has been a blessing in so many respects. There are these moments they hit me every now and then and in them I can't help stop & realise how there is a simplicity in this season that is so good!

I wanted to mention here as of late though that there has been an absense in my mind, a nice still to the mind and in it I find other facilities of John Garrett Grinstead rising . I believe it is because of this things growing within me and taking control that things are getting extremely clear. But one thing of note is I believe because of thi my eyes feel almost like they were opened anew in regards to how God answers prayer and how he speaks through his word etc. This is a short shout of praise from my end!

And its really weird because I would say there are these other moments where I stop & lie speechless in sheer udder shock that all of a sudden God is so apparent "are you kidding me You love me and You are speaking in tangible ways in and around my life?! ."

But I think the most worthy thing of note is that God is teaching me to love His church inspite of many things that I have held against her. At a service I attend Friday nights God gave me this word his viewpoint on a subject I wrestle with very greatly.
"The church is My bride"
- Jesus
This may not be some new grand thing to you but to me that viewpoint reshapes alot and was Jesus' personal word to me tonight.

Anyways The framing in the basement may be done within a week and a half. I am gonna post a video of it soon.

Did you know my second choice for a major was cinemetography I haven't touched a video camera since highschool but I may be making some short movie magic. Stay tuned.

To Love alone,