It seems as of late there are so many things running through my head, yet they consistently run and never stop or slow down enough for me to catch their name or hear their story.
Elise was telling me the other day this is a good thing because it forces me to hear God apart from my intellectual mindset and study and find God in the moment in the new ways He is calling me to.
I haven't been very good at it, but, you know, that's Okay. I want my old ways of meeting God back when he clearly desires for me to meet him in the new but I will obey though it may be difficult and a little overwhleming and quite exhausting...
One thing though that my mind has been dwelling on and I think I can actually somewhat grasp in the not grasping is how little we really get of what God says or does.
I am only human and in that, I get so little of what is truly going on. I mean if you stop and think about all of this life the universe etc how big it is and how many molucules or atoms are contained within it and then this idea that God holds it all together. He frickin knows all 6 billion people on this planets story and knows them intimately.He holds every single molocule together.How crazy!
We are so little and He is so great.
I got together with one of my good christian buddies last night, a good godly friend from highschool, along with a few friends of his. He introduced me to his friends as the "most solid christian guy from our highschool." I love this guy to death for who he is and who he has become in Christ but I hate complements like that. Its not about me. I am so arrogant and selfish and realize probably more than anyone how what might impress people with what I do, what I write, books I recommend, how wise I am,what God has done in my life etc. is completely worthless from my end. God alone redeems every moment and does with it what He wills. He alone, makes it absolutely incredible.
Anyways I think that is all I can muster. May God use it.
FQOTW:(favorite quote of the week)
The church is like maneur, too much of it in one place and it stinks up the place, spread it out it enriches the world.
-Aaron Stern
To HIs glory alone,
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