Saturday, June 30, 2007

What if?

What if when we had a spare moment instead of turning to certain things like TV, facebook, AIM, blogging, checking our email, Youtube videos, and twiddling our thumbs etc. instead turned to the constant continued conversation with God?

I have found myself amazed at how much time I waste and how my heart, showcased by this unordinary lack of busyness, still does not seek out God in every moment.

As I sit here in mediation on these past two weeks I find myself wanting more to do. Those times I feel most alive are those moments and days where I am pushed to exhaustion forced to rely on my Jesus. Where every moment I desire to have conversation with God because of the necesiity for it.

I am dumbfounded with each time I have a lag in my schedule. I think in those times we get to see where our heart is at infinitely more than those times where we seek out God only out of necessity.

So I pose this question...what if when we had a spare moment we turned to God? To seeking him out in His word? Talking to him through prayer? What if?

What would that look like? What kind of culture would that cultivate? How would america look different than it does now?

I thank God for friends and a girlfriend who I could spend eternity with and never run out of things to say or do. But what about the God of the universe who sent his own Son? Currently would we be able to spend eternity with him and never run out of adoration and praise because we know who He is? Do we know this God?

I am not saying by any means that we should be like monks isolating ourselves from the world reading our bibles and praying all the time. The world we live in is a God soaked one! There are mountains to climb, lakes to swim in. There is a beauty all around us.

I merely wish to say I wish we all would simply love God like we do many other things in this world. I wish the idolatry we have around us would cease for the rest of eternity and we would see God with the unveiled face.


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Jesus of Suburbia

in 4 hours,I will wake
dreams will make me halt and fall
The vantage point, the mess

Show me that the light of that first star
Still can light this dark
You show me that

I cannot hear
accolade or amunition of the grenade
And now I'm drawing near it

Show me that the light of that first star
Still can light this dark
You show me that

...You show me that


Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Life has a way of surprising, it is quite remarkable. Every day without ceasing.

Likewise, God has a way of being uncontainable and unpredictable, it is also quite remarkable. Every day I wake not knowing what the God of the universe, of the written and unwritten, holds for me.

...I know this much though that He takes my breath away at every moments chance.

Tonight I really don't know what my heart wants to unfold. I can't figure it out, and you know that's okay! I praise the Lord that when I feel I have nothing to offer he allows me to be used the most.

I feel you should know as a reader that the author sits at this computer split:part coward and part warrior.

God is doing remarkable things currently. And to be honest I cower before this God whose power is limitless. I stand most of the time only because I am told to be bold.Who God is scares me. His love although love has the power to overtake the world if we viewed it as it is. The very dirt He created has the power with a believeing heart to open the eyes of the blind.

Driscoll is far to right. God is no hippie. God is a fiery being who like the Sun has the power to fully engulf. disrupt power grids. rain fire. The God I serve is a little scary.

Praise God for Jesus who covers my sin in fully appeasing the very wrath of this God.

To Him alone be all the glory for a heart that can rise to the remarkable things set before me. Those things that take my breath away.


Saturday, June 23, 2007

the next volume begins...

There are so few moments in life where you can know for certain that that certain moment will never come about again. There will never be a night ever again where I could write of the specific beauty that I saw tonight. The look of love in the eyes of those who gave their vows. I will never be able to write about such wonderful things, ever ever again.There is a beauty indiscribable there. There is a power.

No more nights of my sister Kate and I staying up til four or five chatting about our lifes and God's movement. About those relationships. No more nights of me being able to meet those needs of simply listening. No more nights just like that. Tonight the book is closed on one aspect of the brother sister relationship. This is the night the next volume begins.

And I can't help smiling knowing that we have only touched the waters edge of the beauty that is found in the mighty ocean of what God has in store!

Tonight begins the next volume where my new brother and I become family.

Marriage is a beautiful thing.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Miracles vs drugs

I wonder if when God tries to work he doesn't choose just one means. The thought recently came across my head...what if we bicker about stupid things as christians? What if we aren't getting to the real root of the problem? What if we are asking the wrong questions? Focusing on the wrong things as believers?

I was listening to a conversation between my mom a pharmasisct and her sister and how they both believe drugs are the means to getting better not miracles. A strange thing happened that got me thinking though my awesome friend during that conversation texted me telling me he passed up the oppurtunity to heal someone, telling me of his lack of faith. God has blessed such things in this mans life in the past. I was left to wonder why the doubt now?

Many christians believe God to be three part trinitarian by nature, what we dont' realize oftentimes is that God was perfectly happy within himself( 3 parts). He decided to create man in His image because He delighted so much in himself and wanted to share that delight and that realtionship with us.


I think in the christian world( liberal or conservative) we are so plagued by certain connotations words carry. We associate miracles speaking in tongues laying of hands as bad being associated with the those 'crazy' pentecostals.

The doubt of my friend is there because we do not look at who God is and we have everybody thinking their way is the only way when they haven't really considered God's view on the matter and that other pespective. I know some people are stupid and have no real anything to offer. God can still use them He spoke through an ass swallowed a man in a whale had a teenage girl get knocked up by the holy spirit and birth His Son. God doesn't need to things any specific way don't limit His means.

Today I heard a lot of judgment and hate passed on non believes and their sin. This happens everytime I am home it is the cultue that I enter each time I find myself here. To those in colroado passing judgment read 1 corinthians 5 and see what Paul has to say about judging the non believer! We are not allowed to do anything but love them! We need to focus on what GOD says not what we want to say...everything else will flow from there.

We do not live in a world where we have not been influenced by it. Each one of us is stained with a certain legacy that those before us have forged and we forget that those around us shape us. The saying is most certainly true like father like son. I look at great men of God and see their sons and I understand that if I am ever to leave a true legacy of greatness within my future sons it will be through looking to God the perfect father. I do that by learning who God is through his love letter written to me. By continuing the conversation in prayer and learning from those who are made in the image and likeness of my God.

Look to God alone and make Him your most sought after love. He loves you and desires you with a fiery passion.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Speck of Eternity

I don't quite know where to begin this is fast approaching the morning hours in the bedroom of my childhood. I am up because I cannot sleep. I feel like I did last summer where I could only sleep for four or so hours. I would wake up unsettled get on my knees cry and pray to my God.

It might be the room. It might be this place. This place where so much of me was formed. So much of the old self was ripped off . It is hard to see God in a speck of eternity. This place overwhelms me in so many wonderful ways. The fear of God cripples me in this place.

Sometimes the music becomes my friend... sometimes the silence is too unsettling in this place.

I have been home about 24 or so hours now. I find myself slapped in the face with what God did within me these six months that I have not come home.

I sit here on my couch in my room not knowing what quite to speak...

I know I could ramble on and God would use it somehow...He always does. But I think I will stop for the evening overwhelmed by the immensity of God's redemptive work within me. With a joy of what God has blessed and future blesssing to come. Overwhlemed by who He is. Love you all. I am praying for you.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Lessons from the Marmots

So there are these squirrels properly called marmots that live outside my window. They just had their babies. They love to climb up the fence and hang from the wires.Sometimes I look out my window and I see there are five or six on one post: one at the top and all the others hanging from the wires.

From watching and observing them all year I have learned many things. This is what sticks out to me as of late though: We like the marmots try so hard to climb the post and end up just hanging there until we fall down not realizing there is another post fifteen feet away. It seems stupid but we do it all the time.

What I don't think we realize is that there are several posts unoccupied left empty and ready to be climbed. I feel so often within the church that we always want to be the one on that certain post. We think oh it would be glamourous to be a worship leader or be able to be the speaker. I believe strongly and would argue that we each have a post to climb and that God has destined for us to reign over a specific area, but it is by no means the glamorous. We need to stop bickering about positions and power. We can't continue to focus on the nearsightedness! There is a neccesity to look past the post and see that empty one.

See where you can help out in the church, you don't have to have some glamorous job just one that shows that you are willing to answer Jesus' call to be humble enough, be servant enough, and be loving enough.

Billy Grahm has said many profound things in his life but one is brought to my mind tonight. He said to the people that stuff his envelopes "Your reward will be greater than mine in Heaven." It's not about the glamorous.

Above many other things I have learned this quarter it is everyday work I do that God can use. I may want to be doing something glamorous like in a different season of life but God calls us to embrace the season we are in and to focus on the maybe small impact we can make on a select few around us.

I write this tonight to post what I have worked on this quarter but secondly say the greatest in heaven will be those who are not known by the world's eyes only by the eye's of the Father.

This is the work I have done this quarter...I have not had much time to devote to many things but God has used what I have done. Used it to shape me and allowed myself to be used in incredible ways without me even thinking I was doing anything but the ordinary.

Enviornmental Retreat Center

From this

To this...

Create a door....

Create a creative skin for a building


Sunday, June 10, 2007

On the Anniversary of Silence

What can God do over the course of a year within a man's life? How radically can he change that very heart...redeeming every broken thing that remains?

I kneel at my desk writing this declaring in my being that God can do much! I see it because of what He has done with the little I am!

Today marks a very important day in my life. Today marks a year to the date that God did something truly wonderful. He stripped many spiritual gifts I owned away. Begun a year of constant change in which my eyes would be forced to focus on the only thing that would be immutable. Today marks the day He gave me orders that I could not say yes to a year ago.

Here a year later after a year of silence I see the valleys of my heart and how they have finally become prepared. They have been leveled. I have surely been baptized in both the spirit and the water. ( John 3) And I finally declare my resounding Yes to the question I could not have said yes to that day a year ago!

God found me today in the hills around SLO. God granted me an audience with Himself this morning and afternoon, with the One whom searches my heart. He spoke through his Word and His creation telling me much of what He desires for me to do .

This chapter is about a man who has been changed fully by his God. No more need be said.

Friday, June 08, 2007

When I survey God all you have done
When I see beauty unfolded
when I see the rain fall down

When I listen to the silent drops that seem to fall so easily from the heavens, God
I understand how infintley You love us
and how willingly You are to bestow upon us wonderful things

And I wonder so often Why God? Why do we choose the bad things
Why do we choose the temporary over the eternal

I wonder so often why, we stare often at this rain that is falling down and how we don't understand it
We don't understand how much you love us
How much You are willing to bestow upon us

If only we would live for the eternal

and I wonder so often God, but I understand,

God you have willing bestowed upon us so many things, so many things that we can't seem to put together because we have lived for the temporary

and you say that love requires sacrifice God...real love does God!

And I wonder why God you showed us that love with Your sacrifice

It's to pave the way

To show us love

God may we show You that love

Oh God I wish...I wish we could

Will we God? Will we stand for You? Will we be strong?


It is time to be risen up...for You to raise us up God.
To surrender wholly unto you our loving savior!


Time itself in His Hands

"How completely satisfying to turn from our limitations to a God who has none. Eternal years lie in His heart.For Him time does not pass it remains; and those who are in Christ share with Him all the riches of limitless time and endless years. God never hurries. That are no deadlines against which He must work. Only to know this is to quiet our spirits and relax our nerves.. For those out of Christ, time is a devouring beast;before the sons of the new creation time crouches and purrs and licks their hands. The foe of the old human race becomes the friend of the new, and the stars in their courses fight for the man God delights to honor. This we may learn from the divine infinitude"

A.W. Tozer

I was in discipleship today and we read the above quote and my heart soul and mind were taken a back by this God. This God who holds time itself in His hands. This God who can hold the sun in the sky until the battle or the labor is done.

As an architecture major I am told constantly by my fellow students that there is no way to go through this major without pulling an all nighter. There is no way to do all the things God is calling me to do and step out of faith in and do it with excellence. There is no way...there is not enough time. BUT, as I continue to see how God can sustain me, I am compelled to say "no." I am compelled to pray

"Everlasting God How you cease from being weary and tired. I gifted by thy self, thou in me dwelling the God who has time itself in His hands, impart on me the knowledge of what I have been given and the strength I am entitled to."

I was up for 21 hours straight yesterday and I did not grow tired and weak because of what isaiah 40:28-31 declares about God. I was able to work effeciently because of Him who sustains me.

When we forget the character of the true God things will overwhlem. If we truly believe that God is who He says He is the shortsightedness will cease and we will begin to see that he has made " the rough ground a plain...and lifted the valley."

We have God living inside of us. We best learn to acknowledge He is inside, and learn to live more by Him and less by us.

He holds time itself in His hands...

"Only to know this is to quiet our spirits and relax our nerves For those out of Christ, time is a devouring beast;before the sons of the new creation time crouches and purrs and licks their hands. The foe of the old human race becomes the friend of the new, and the stars in their courses fight for the man God delights to honor."


Thursday, June 07, 2007

It's done

Yes it is true the model is done! It is now about 4 am but it is done. Enjoy the photos. I am going to go to sleep.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Prelude to the Grandeur

It seems like it has been an eternity since I last wrote. These keys I type are cold. This room I write in hushed by what seems an eternity of stillness. It would appear with such breadth of distance between the past writ and the writing to come...thoughts would refuse to echo off the blank walls.Perhaps though with the motion of these keys a once still place may once again begin to reverberate in this chorus of praise .

My heart is amazed by how God always ends the school year with a grand finally.

I was reading my bible this morning, something I haven't had the time to do amidst all the crazines that is furniture. girlfriends. friends. meetings. bibles jobs. grocey shopping.arch supply shopping.9 month anniversaries. phone calls.lunch Late nights etc. I was not struck by the words this morning but merely the thought of how good it is to simply be still. As the pslams declare "be still and know." To enjoy the stillness for a moment.

I was thinking this week if like each year I wanted to record another album of the music I had written this year. I still have not made up my mind on that but I did decide if I were to do it I would call the album" Prelude to the Grandeur."

I believe this: that God truly wants to blow us away. What I have seen this year is a beautiful prelude but it is not at all the composing genius that is God. He has much better things in store. What He's done this year is incredible I do not discount that...BUT...He has much more in store.I am confidently assured.

I got to witness one of the most beautiful things this week...a heart gently broken and tears of joy fall without hesitation as the heavens and the floodgates of a man's heart were opened. I saw the love of a father in the reflection of the most beautiful tears. Tears of joy.

I saw God's love in those tears and I was taken a back because it was so much that my heart became a fire within. These keys burn my hands recounting such a thing. And to be taken a back by this God and see the heart of a Father reflected...that is something truly wonderful.I know this much...we are in the midst of a prelude to something much grandeur.

God is truly Good. And He loves us so dearly!

Friday, June 01, 2007

A Hymn God gave me tonight

STILL for thy loving-kindness, Lord,
I in thy temple wait;
I look to find thee in thy word,
Or at thy table meet.

Here, in thine own appointed ways,
I wait to learn thy will;
Silent I stand before thy face,
And hear thee say, "Be still!"

"Be still! and know that I am God!" -
'Tis all I live to know;
To feel the virtue of thy blood,
And spread its praise below.

I wait my vigour to renew,
Thine image to retrieve,
The veil of outward things pass through,
And gasp in thee to live.

I work, and own the labour vain,
And thus from works I cease;
I strive, and see my fruitless pain,
Till God create my peace.

Fruitless, till thou thyself impart,
Must all my efforts prove;
They cannot change a sinful heart;
They cannot purchase love.

I do the thing thy laws enjoin,
And then the strife give o'er;
To thee I then the whole resign,
I trust in means no more.

I trust in him who stands between
The Father's wrath and me;
Jesu, thou great eternal Mean,
I look for all from thee.
-John Wesley

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