Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Last 6 Weeks

A beautiful tree in the library courtyard

I have been spending the past two weeks coloring I feel like I am in second grade again.

Christmas Break

The sunset the Wed before I went back to Colorado

Something I made...

I would like to start off and say sorry I haven't posted in a while it seems that things have gotten so rediculously busy these past six weeks especially these last two that I couldn't even find a spare moment to post pictures of my life for two secs. But like I have said many times before I am being stretched in such extraordinary ways and I wouldn't trade that for anything. Mentally taking 26 hrs of class this quarter and then with all the homework and all the stuff God has me do we are rubbing against a wall here and I know that I would not be able to handle this ifd it wasn't Christ within me who gives me strength. In recent news the prayer group I am apart of has multiplied three times in the past two weeks and God is continually stretching me to go out and stretch people to start ones for their dorms. It is going to be rough though...I was under pretty intense spiritual attack the first week this time in the form of being sick throwing up twelve to thirteen times a night and I kept on praiseing God despite that and Satan didn't want me to continue to worship despite anything he threw at me. I was really convicted with reading over break about all these great men and women of God who devoted themselves to prayer. I learned from that, that simply put a life fully surrendered is one spent in communion with God all the time. These great men of God they did not question their circumstances they would go immediatly to God to seek his understanding on things. We are not called to always be happy with what God is doing but we are called to seek after God and eventually get His understanding on things. I want that.

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