Upon meditation I think we forget to love God with more than our #4(minds) quite often. We base almost everything on intellect.
I want to pose a question with these thoughts in mind is this way of doing things crippling the church from loving God as she ought?
I personally find this meditation to be disturbing in countless ways.
It says in romans 10:10 that when we first believed it was with our hearts. Intellect had no place in that most awesome of occurance.
I have wondered so often what is so truly incredible about the new believer. I think it is this: that they love God with their heart...they are seeking him with their mind...they are willing to be strong....and their soul pants for God.
They have this beautiful balance within them.
I have been wondering what can restore that balance within the older believer? I prose the question because I see that I don't have a proper balance in my own life.
Regarding this I think Jude 19 points out a great truth "these are the men who divide you , who follow more natural instincts and do not live by the Spirit." The truth is I think that living by the spirit is the only way what was divided can be put back together.
I have been struck with what Ezekial 37 says, this idea that God can breathe once again on the dead and seperated bones joining what was torn apart. There is life after so great a death! What a great truth!
As to How to live by the spirit and truly love my only advice is
" the realm of the spirit is closed to the intellect."Once we stop staring at this wall that bars us from putting all of these puzzle pieces together and say God " you are the only one who can lead me into this and do this" that is when I have seen great things happen and true Christianity begin .
-A.W. Tozer
Remember "they will know we are Christians by our love"
To His Glory alone,
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