Friday, October 21, 2005

Yes there was fire involved

So basically I have to say bonfires are the greatest thing invented especially on the beach. Last night was really cool we had worship round the bonfire and it was just a good time of fellowship between all of us christians around the hall and some in different ones. I have to say that here I am being fed more spiriually than I have ever been in my entire life because of the questions that have been brought up by diffreent people in the hall and other various things that are happening here. I gots to say Cali is amazing I am going to spend the weekend thinking and praying about two things whether or not to join the worship team or when I am going to go serve in asia or if I am going to apply for residency here and get it by staying here over the summer or going back and visiting the fam, I'll talk to you mom and dad. Gots to go, love you all enjoy the pics.

1 comment:

A. Kate Reynolds said...

Are you doing "No-Shave November," but just started early? Nice face fuzz. ;)

The guys are getting ready to start their round of "No-Shave"... it's a great college tradition.

Love you. Miss you. [[ME!]]