Friday, September 19, 2008

Some more honest thoughts

 I got back into San luis Obispo Monday night. Been spending the past couple getting my life back in order resting etc. 

As of yesterday I had nothing left on my list besides:
1. pray
2.find a job
3.get print cartridges

The reason I write though is although everthing is in order for this upcoming school year and I should feel on top of things, I really don't feel on top of things at all. The bible calls men of God, me, to an impossible life. One in which if I am not leaning on the spirit for strength and renewed purpose each day I fail.  

There is grace this I know oh so well, but when I ask questions like does what I am doing inspire awe in others like back in that first century church or is my life impossible to live out? I honestly can't answer those with yes. 

Just some honest thoughts. 

God's ways are not my ways. 

I must never lose sight of that. 

To His glory alone, 
by His grace alone,

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