Thursday, September 25, 2008

In faith

It's funny how you grow up and things begin to change. Those things you once thought were so important now seem so incredibly pointless. And its not at all that it lost its point, its just lost a point to you. 

It seems so much is changing as of late. 

I know past my ignorance and pretend bliss though that change is a great necessity. 

Life has a way of growing us up and in it we learn what a great hope Christ is. How truly he  loves us and how futile we are to even try to keep it all together when approaching His feet. 

That perhaps is what I am coming to...finding a great immensity of grace. 

...and an endless pursuit I can't see an end to. 

And I can only really speculate as to what God is doing and where these jumbled thoughts will fuse together in the light of His face. And perhaps that is where I should stop in faith that all great confusion transition and change all come together and in every moment his wonderful hands work so unendlessly, without ceasing  to show me its alright by the Soverignty of His mighty hands. 

To His glory alone,

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