I find it fascinating that when I am doing good with Christ I have this strong desire to recount it here. I shouldn't even be here at this hour anyways, I mean I am getting together with Landon at 7:30am tomorrow and I plan on getting up at like 6am. I am not even sure quite what I want to say. I just feel like being here...you know.
So here we go.
Sunday woke up, showered then drove to church, Elise lent me her car. Elise wasn't there cause she was pretty busy with school work. I was kinda bummed about that. Bryan talked on Ezra 3. It was awesome. He talked about the two types of people who had voices in the day...the discouraging and the hopeful. A good reminder to not be discouraged by the ruins of what had been brought down that we miss what Jesus can do, possibility etc. Saw the same propensity within myself to be so discouraged that I don't do anything. Was reminded that ever rubble needs to be used for His glory too. In church I decided to no longer to be overwhelmed and depressed over the ruins. I chose instead to delight in the possibilities of my savior and what he can do with them. Left church. Joey said hi to me on the way out. I liked that. I miss the guys in the community group. Went to go pick up Elise. Got to her house. She forget where her keys were. Looked for like an hour. Didn't find them. We went to the restaurant we were planning on going to for our date. It said closed for the super bowl. So we decided to take a trip down the coast to Arroyo Grande. It was a nice 75 degree day to begin February. We ate at Chile's. Delicious. Talked about stuff. Went to Wal Mart. I hate that place. Drove back up the coast to SLO and got stuff to study. Went to Linneas cause Peets was busy and studied there. We then went back to my place and studied some more then watched PS I love you. It was pretty realistic regarding relationships, which was refreshing. Said goodbye to Elise and went to bed.
Monday brought a day spent in communion with God. I awoke 6am straight out of a nightmare with Sam and Dillon in it. Not quite sure what that was all about but I began the day meditating on the truths that He was teaching me about not being crippled by the rubble... had a sweet time with God praying and being in the Word. Went to class 8am- noon. Came home for a bit to eat and pray. Headed out at 12:40 to pick some things up at the bookstore. Got to lab. My professor told me he loved my project and i was really ahead of everyone else; he was thinking of sending the next assignment my way, early. Came as a shock. Stayed in lab til 7:30pm walked to Panda express...ran into some mormons...told them respectfully I didn't want to know about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Got food at Panda...everyone was taller than me. Prayed a stupid prayer to be taller. Then went to bible study. We talked about God's faithfulness. Good discussion. Wished we had time to pray more in bible study...glad we opened the bible this week though. Caught a ride back with my friend Kyle. As I have no car...I would have had to have walked. Talked to the roomate for a bit about life and what is going on with him. That was awesome. Went to sleep reading the bible and updating my twitter account. I really need to do that more often. If only I had an Iphone and if only the service wasn't so rediculously expensive.
Tuesday I awoke to Landon's text . I made him lunch cause he wanted to go out to eat and I didn't. I need to be watching my pocket book. Landon left to go talk to the leader of Campus Crusade. I took a shower. Elise stopped by shortly after that. I love her so much. I think I spent most of my time in my room trying to get my stupid printer to spit out the take home midterm. It doesn't feed paper that well. So I had a few hiccups with that. And then an hour later got the papers printed. Scanned some stuff etc. Called the car place for Elise. Enjoyed her company. Her car was ready. Had issues with oil leaking. All better now. Guy came picked her up. I sat outside with her waiting and made sure he was legit. Went back to the table to get some take home midterm done before my good buddies stopped by. Read through the article for that. Kinda depressing. God was begining to tare my heart open. Dan and Kyle stopped by. We caught up prayed ate etc. Then I started writing. til 2am I wrote. I thought. God was showing me all about a new form of slavery in christendom through this secular article. Didn't sleep well.
Awoke Wednesday morning late. Didn't get to pray read the word or eat. I really needed that. Showed up for my 8am class twenty minutes late. Turned in the paper. Teacher gave me a little slack for that. Went to the campus market and got some trail mix. I was starved. I wasn't about that at all. Bugged me a lot, more than it should have. My heart from the previous night was still burdened by the knowledge. I came home lied down on the ground wept and prayed. Overcome with the state of christiandom and the Fathers heart for his children. Sent some texts out for prayer. Elise is wonderful. Showed up for Design lab a little late. Doesn't matter though I needed to be still before God. Professor gave us time to work on the final submittals that were due that day. Worked til about 4:30 got all my stuff printed and brought the prints back to studio. Helped some of the french girls with rendering cool sexy images of their projects... then headed home. Ev and his friend were at the table doing construction accounting homework. I decided to join in and sit down. I mixed some peach snapps with a sprite. Calmed me down a little bit. Enjoyed the roomate's company for the next couple hours. Made dinner and listened to music til 7:30. Then headed out to Unplugged. Ran into Elise on the way. It was spontaneous and wonderful. She dropped me off. Unplugged was sweet. We went through Isaiah and what God did with Hezekiah. Talked about God's faithfulness. Sweet time. Everyone left except christian Michael and Josh. talked to them for a while. Walked home with Josh, chatting about what God is teaching him. He's maturing so much in his walk ...it's so awesome to see. Stopped by to see Randy on the way back home. Caught up. Thought about doing a trip to New Zealand to go surfing. Probably will never happen but again was fun to play out the possibility. Went home crawled into bed and updated my twitter.
Thursday came. Woke. Showered. Elise showed up. We talked for a bit. I was busy cleaning up my roommate's dishes.He's been super busy. Trying to love him best. We then left to go downtown. Stopped by the bank. Went to the post office. Then stopped by Jamba. Elise bought me Jamba. Again I love her so. She dropped my off back at home. Had a good time with the Lord read some scripture and some Spurgeon. I really love the way he writes. Spent time in Titus. God was speaking saying You don't have to be perfect you are made perfect by Christ. First time I honestly saw that. Christian stopped by. Awesome guy. Cooked him lunch. Chatted about his life etc. He left. Cleaned up. spent some more time in the word. Stared out the window for quite a bit. Then decided to take a nap. Woke up. Made some coffee. Ev and I drank the coffee. Chatted for a bit. Then got ready to go to the Compton reunion( Went down to Compton to do some inner city mission spring break sophmore year). Enjoy all those guys. Ev dropped me off at the reunion. We played all sort of fun games. Had some pazookies. Walked back home.Finished a blog about the past five days. Proofread. Went to bed
NIght guys.