Sunday, September 10, 2006

Something Unexpected

It is interesting to think of the directions that God takes us in in our think of all the unexpected u turns regular turns underpasses overpasses tunnels and everything else that He has in line for our often times not very straight directionally lives. Often times it reminds me of a quest where you have to go get something in a far off land to fix something in your own land. It is not until you have the knowledge or something you gain in that different land that you can set things right once again.

This summer has not been a straight road in any fashion andI have never known what quite to expect in it. But it has been a blessing in disguise, and a time of gaining knowledge that I need to go back to a distant land and set things once again right.

This friday in particular God took me on an unexpected turn, I thought I knew precisely what direction God was going to be directing things in...but as is the case in these summer months I have no idea being prophetically and conversaitonally blind what turn is coming up next. All I know is that I must gain something somewhere else to gain where I thought God was going. In particular God gave me friday night a very interesting direction for next year a means if you will but an end also. I will not mention it in its fullness here because I have yet to take time and pray about the matter but it involves the blessed fellowship of the saints and something even greater than revival. Think of it a people of God planted on the central coast whose hearts would never ever die in passion for Jesus and His word, His communion,His spirit, and His delight! A people who went out to all nations and preached in every single corner of the globe. Millions laying facedown running and dedicating their lives to Jesus. All starting with the personal life that we have with Jesus, everything good that will flow out of that! I think that is something to talk about.

I think to some degree retartadly I am still putting God in a box but as I have been reading about Jewish culture and how radically different Jesus is I don't think we can ever ever ever fully grasp even a glimpse of who our Creator is! Take for instance Jesus, studying jewish culture through the dead sea scrolls something radical comes out of Jesus Christ. He was the author of the parable! Before that there were no metaphors used in the average conversation or teaching but Jesus took it mainstream! He took something ordinary and made it extraordinary! We should never limit God because his ends are not even close to the ends to our means!He reflects himself in everything but it doesn't even come close!

As I take time to reflect over the next week spending time in "the fort" I will try and let the spirit clarify this direcion and these ends but I doubt mere words could contain my God's acts. He is the incromprable God after all!

May all of you who read this be blessed and I look forward to seeing all your beautiful faces very soon!


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