Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Summer Season

This is the first time I am really sitting down stopping all I have to do and reflecting upon what exactley God has done with me this summer. It's interesting because in not stoppin since really spring break, march of this year, I am going to have to sift through an entires years worth of God's teaching in my life, and I know it is a very difficult task ahead of me because God has sifted and shaped my heart so much. I know where my heart was at this time last year and I look at my heart today and wonder what man stands before me? For if you were to see the old man I was you surely would not believe I am that same man!

I guess I will begin with the silence and perhaps only focus on that because the picture above is so fitting to what I believe the whole key to this summer was. In giving this summer one word it would fall somewhere between radically different, desert, and utter silence. And I am very careful not to define it as one word because one is not fitting at all because it has not been complete silence but rather a time of a different way of God speaking and it hasn't been a dessert because I have had diligence and been learning so much but it is dessertesqe if you will and I feel very strange in the fact that I cannot define the word.

I think the above picture is so fitting because it's not so much that I don't have any water in this dessertesqe season, maybe that's just the thing? I have an entire lake that has been given to me but I need to begin to use the lake... begin to cultivate the hard soil and let things begin to grow. But I think I look so often to the old ways, the fact that I could get my replenishment from the little lakes not this unending bigger source. And the thing is I don't know when things shifted really? All I know is that things are somehow now incredibly differetnt. I have different responsibilities because of the choices i have made for Christ. And I think that's just the thing I feel so incredibly overwhelmed because all of it is new, it is good but it is new.

Well I think that is all I will write for the evening. I will repost this tommorow with tommorows thoughts but as for now I am going to sleep.

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