Sermons, quiet times, conversatons,text messages ,circumstance, prayer, fellowship and the like.
They all point to one thing.
God is bringing fullest brokeness.
There is seldom a thought that is fixed on one sole thing in this culture, seldom one that we at least can pick up. I know this though that God is grafitiing His name over it all. There is nothing his signature is not over. If we can merely be observant and keep our eyes open...he will grant us sight. If we keep our ears attentive...he will unlock what was once truley deaf.
It is in this time that I am reminded of the depths from which I was saved. The filth I am.
It is in this time God continues to shape destiny in such a way that there is no place I can go except my knees.
It is in this time that I find myself in fullest oneness. Singing the notes my heart was tuned to make music from before world's birth. I scarce belive I find myself in this...Glory to Jesus alone!
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