Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Elise would say it best that my love language is always changing and keeps her on her toes in our relationship. But as I am finding more and more it is not that I speak a love language of rigid formulaic identity but rather a love language all my own. I have yet to find a person though willing to love me in that language and actually able to meet me in it. God gave me this language because he never wants me to forget that He alone is the only one who could fill the vast crater of love in my soul. Without him I am left with a vast hole.

This is why we must be captivated, infatuated with the Father because once it begins our hearts start glistening along with our eyes and we begin to pour out the love that was first shown to us and then accepted by us blessing other people in the way that only God could do touching live through Him alone. Meeting people where they are at not in rigid formulaic identity.

In this true love points to God alone. As it should always. It is not a manner of speech or way of beginning a sentence but it is a glisten. I have been blessed to see this in a few people over the years. There words were not pre thought out they were flowing like a fountain. They are people that find a love so captivating that the world becomes a thousand times more colorful. This is the love I know none can fully live as were meant to without and experience true love without.

I am not defined by mere psychology to limit love to five or six ways, love speaks in all ways as God does with us all.

.......a man's response
........the very character of a human is my love language not tangible things not conversations but actions not the touch of a human but the touch of God through a human

And this is why I say
To Love alone,

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