As always I was challenged tonight by TNL as always but I mean challenged in a good way in that I think too often I have blamed God because of who I am and the things I do saying that he should have made me different than who I am. And I always knew in my head that God makes you who you are for a specific reason but I think tonight I finally completed that journey from my head to my heart. In matthew, in the lord's prayer it says lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. And I've never been one for analyzing bible verses so much but I think this section and verse if anything deserves a little more then just a surface gaze.
See I think we often times are unhappy with God because of the way he made us because we don't see the plan a lot of times and the reason I think is that's because we don't pray. Let me explain see prayer does two things. One it alligns our will with the will of heaven Two, it gives us things, not always stuff though. See we can pray for all the stuff we want but only if it is in God's will will it happen but speaking specifically on sin and deliverance by prayer we think a lot of the times the same way, that it is not in God's will to save us from things because we can't seem to get out of things on our own strength alone. We can ask for deliverence but if it is not in God's will it will not happen,we think too often, maybe he want's us to battle something for some strange God purpose. But I think the part we forget is that Jesus prayed a prayer of agony in the garden of gethsemene Luke 22:43-4 and he was not OK with this whole God controlling everything too, like us he wanted deliverence but He knew God's will was ultimatley better. God being made man prayed a prayer of deliverance from evil but he did not get delivered in a defensive way by being taken out of the heat of battle or from his cup per say but rather God answered the prayer in verse 44 and sent an angel to comfort Jesus and stregthen him so he could continue in the battle being offensive and ultimatley die for our sins. And I think that's what we can't seem to grasp that God is going to be the guy that doesn't do things our way all the time but rather he will give us strength to fight when the battle seems unbearable, because He knows it is ultimatley better for us and will give us a better life.But I know that will not be enough for most people but take comfort christians for as 1 corinthians 10:13 says we can be strengthened by other brothers because no man in this age is encoutering new stumbling blocks and sin people all over the world and time have struggled with the same things. And God will never allow us to encounter any sin that can overtake us and we cannot beat. God is for us, helping us and strengthening us. May we be offensive in the evil one's attacks against us. That is my prayer that he might Deliver us by truely helping us.
The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green. Psalm 92:12-15
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