Sunday, November 06, 2005


So this one time Architecture was amazing but it is pretty crazy at times and this is only the first quarter. As I sit here writing there are many people( probably half of the arch students, including my roomate) who are going to pull all nighters. The problem of procrastination is that it doesn't get done and people end up not having enough time. Yup and that is a bad thing. But not me.

Anyways here is the room it has gotten a lot more home-like with Wilburt my new plant he isn't doing too well right now but I am nursing him back to heath. I think I should probably pot him that might help...yah well anyways I am calling it a good night so night.

If you are wondering how I am doing because I can see how my last blog entry might have been really worrisome to some of you. Know I am in a much better place God has been showing me that next level that he wants to take this campus and also what he wants to do with christgianity in this nation. Pray for me cause it is an uphill battle. I do have the lord fighting for me though so I am not worried. All I will say about this next step it is going to be a time of a lot of prayer and a lot of rejoicing.

1 comment:

A. Kate Reynolds said...

I miss you, Squirt.

Just think... 8 days... :)

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