Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Empire of the King

How seldom the time
I see you…only you
Rightly and altogether true
Where my heart becomes one

With the perfect Father’s grace and love
I see You…

I worship, still, blessed Lord
And my God is all He has said
Even more than I will ever comprehend
Saints and angels join to sing

The growing symphony of beauty
The growing empire of the King.

And blessed Jesus, How I love you
That I can glimpse Your greatness
To dance in Your bliss?
Who can describe the joys that rise

Within all the courts of Paradise
To see what was dead now arise?

I worship, still, blessed Lord
And my God is all He has said
Even more than I will ever comprehend
Saints and angels join to sing

The growing symphony of beauty
The growing empire of the King.

1 comment:

Zahra Ebrahimpour said...

i read your was very beautiful.
i was in a good sense when i was reading it.
be happy!
come to my blog please.i'll be happy.

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