Sunday, September 30, 2007

Prepare the way

Normally by this time in the quarter, I know exactly what I am to do regarding ministry regarding those people I am to focus on etc. This year before I began this quarter I sat down and tried to plan out all that I felt God calling me to and I came up empty for the first time in two years. God told me something to the effect of "the gospel is mysterious and messy." "The splatter paint and the throwing of neatly stacked papers to the sky to fall back in one giant mess is to be this quarter." A few weeks in now somehow I find it is strangely beautiful. This quarter is not to be the same in any way at all. For those who know about pattern languages this is one I don't think we would have ever come up with on our own. This is surely God in our midst. Something I know many have prayed for and I pray now we are ready for

I sat down with one of the pastors of the church I go to here in SLO on Thursday morning. I tried in vain to tell him all that God is doing in and around me in this place and on the larger scale of this age. I found myself perfectly inadequate to tell of it God... bigger than my words will ever be.

That seems to be the theme...a strong desire to recount it all but a calling to simply let it be chaotic and changing.

Currently God has me going through all of the gospels: Matthew in bible study, Mark at crusade, Luke in my quiet times, and John at Calvary SLO. It is one big thing that I can't recount going through all four of them: seeing how all four are doing such an effective job recounting God among men. God was huge to those four men.

There was something I came across for the first time really yesterday that struck me about these four writers and one man in particular that they mention: John the Baptist.

I was reading through the gospel according to Luke last night and came across this:

He began to speak to the crowds about John (referring to John the Baptist), "What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind?...a prophet? Yes! This is the one for whom it is written "I send my messenger ahead of you who will prepare your way before you.” I say to you among those born of women there is no one greater than John...

-Luke 7:24-27

I will not do all the cross references across the other writers here because it is an unending trail of how important this man of God who would prepare the way for Jesus.

This got me thinking something that I had been dwelling on for a majority of these past two or three weeks as God called me to not lead a bible study this quarter and to really not do anything that most of us would classify as saying yes to ministry.

Here's the question God has been asking me for a while: What if God much like he did with John or in Nehemiah's life used my life to prepare the way for the lord: to facilitate the gospel coming to fullest light in this world?

I get this picture as Jesus is writing to John in prision that he is smiling and delighting in the fact that there was no one greater than John, born of woman. Someone willing to lay waste to the mountains that the path may be clear. Someone willing to exalt the valley!

I get this picture as Jesus is going into Jerusalem riding on a donkey and palm branches are being thrown before him that he has to stop and smile at the fact those walls were built around the city. The fact that Nehemiah a man of ordinary profession and long obedience was able to prepare the way for the facilitation of the Jews to return to Jerusalem and God to come among men.

Couldn't God do something extraordinary again with a man of obedience and ordinary means? I dare to believe so.

Prepare the way!


Friday, September 28, 2007


This is my letter to the nations
A forward from those who have written before
From distant age to present mentions
A tale of God ever-more

Inhibitions of a generation
Strict Timetables given by an impatient offspring
Desperate for a heavenly intervention
Desiring but never truly accepting

May it never be that a desire of a man
Not be able to fly and become sweetest prayer
Nor prophecies becoming realities because of sin
Awaken oh cities of long written pasts and become the ever-more

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things

-Roman 1: 18-23

... Therefore you have no excuse

-Romans 2.1

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Tozer once said something to the effect of"time is no longer a devouring lion for those belonging to the new birth but a purring kitten.

I come in full realization of that:our God is most splendidly incredible!

That is beautiful isn't it.

God has a way of blowing me away by the fact He doesn't just merely provide but provides in bigger ways than I could ever imagine or realize!

I do not believe God to be a minimalist but to be an abundamentalist or morethanenoughalist.

And the thing is He gives it to the most undeserving people!

Long have I held to the idea that God in His very nature is an abundamentalist always providing the means for us to grow and flourish in undescribable ways at an given moment.

And that is the point I want to stop and meditate on tonight:

Over this past year or so my writing has completely changed stylelistically. I think I finally understand why tonight! God has showed me how truly available are the means to make a man somehow get closer to God HImself rather abundantly! Every finite moment has the possibility of taking us into the infinite of the far surpassing greatness that comes from what God alone gives!

It is in that light that the attributes of God and the diciplines of man become deeper and more fuller. Needless to say more difficult to write of as well.

The honesty I had in my old writing is harder to achieve because what I see and understand now takes more thought to get me to the point of all encompassing a finite thing that was never truly finite. A much fuller thing has become in my mind.

And I think in a lot of ways that the fact that during my three hour conversation with my best friend this morning showed...God is doing abundantly much in and around me and I can't encompass an infinite God in a finite pen and key stroke.

But my heart in it's infinte inadequacy can't stop recount such things.

Perhaps that's the reason three out of the four gospel writers wrote chronologically they could not describe it any other way: they saw God to be infininite a God of Ever-abundance!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


There a moments where I believe we all see God in clarity.We see His splendid character and for a brief moment see what He is doing. It is in those moments, these beautiful moments that all momentary cares fade away.

Last night as I finally got to hear this years direction from those leaders appointed by God himself my heart welled up with the knowledge of the fulfillment of promises of long ago.

I continue to write. A pile continues to grow of work to do.But that is no trouble to this soul. My heart praises God. When I look into the Almighty's eyes all else is drowned out by who He is.

I have my direction for this quarter: Four steps closer to understanding the seven!

O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made.
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power through-out the universe displayed.

Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee:
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

When through the woods and forest glades I wander
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees;
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze:

And when I think that God, His Son not sparing,
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin:

When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart!
Then I shall bow in humble adoration,
And there proclaim, my God. how great Thou art!


Sunday, September 16, 2007

In every change...!

In every change He faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heavenly Friend
Thro’ thorny ways leads to a joyful end."


Saturday, September 15, 2007

Reflection :the everfruit

It is fast approaching the morning hours and I find myself surpirisingly where I began this whole college thing. Sitting. Writing. Pondering.
Reflect... it has a way of putting things into perspective. This is good.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Subtle misunderstood ways: the everfruit

There is a part of me that would love to sum up my entire summer in the following click clacks of my keyboard. To recount all that God has taught me. I would love upon reflection to clear all of the thick cloud of darkness that surrounds the light of God's character and the depth of HIs wisdom God has graced me with in this summer.

BUT I doubt an understanding of that degree is going to come until I sit in silence and reflection for an extended time. That is probably not going to happen for a while, God is busy doing so much in this place.

But although I will be inadequate beyond belief to describe the indescrible God I still worship in this way:

For most of this summerI I have taken my lunch breaks in the UU of our university here. I sit up a story or two and watch people go by. It has been during this time that God has shown me tons about HIs heart for this year. This week has been incredible in respect to the fact that the freshman are roaming the campus once again and all that God has shown me finally has some clarity!

The battle plan for this year I am calling the "everfruit" oftentimes subtle and incredibly misunderstood .

I am calling it such a thing because I have believed for a long while and have prayed that God would begin an ever-revival here in SLO and to a greater extent for this nation. And in a lot of ways God is doing such a thing. I cannot deny it.

I see all around people taking stands as they have never before living in holiness and in community. Making the things they do an ever-_____. I see God doing miracles in our midst and I cannot deny it: God is doing a mighty work in this place!!!

I see God shaping circuimstance to pick up for our inadequacies! He is making sure what He desires is to be done and His people are moved in increidbly ways in the process. I am truly excited for what God is going to do with a people that say I would rather have what Jesus will be done far beyond anything else!

This people's ministry this year will be nothing close to what a campus minsitry normally does: many people will probably get frustrated by all this change. In reaching everyone ithings must be this way. This battle plan will be more subtle leaving room for God's spirit to brood and find the restless souls. He will go ahead and like Jericho He will knock down the many walls before us but we must go by His path. It is is His divine timing: a far better one.

We must not neglect to recognize the subtle ways:the everfruit!

We must be men and women of prayer, fasting, and holding to the power found in the Word of God believing it and seeing it to be as it truly is!


Sunday, September 09, 2007

A little Jesus in you

While I was in Compton over spring break of this year we sang this awesome song at a church I attended down there" a little Jesus in you, a little Jesus in me." I was thinking a lot about what God has been teaching me these past few days or so and that short little phrase describes it perfectly.

We have a little Jesus inside of each one of us who follow Jesus.

The holy Spirit is Jesus inside of us. That is phenominal!

Jesus decided to give us all of Himself :dying for sins and also living inside of us redeeming us and making us die to our sin.

Not many people will give you all of themselves. But He gave us ALL of HImself! How incredible is that alone!


Thursday, September 06, 2007

Once upon a time..

If You gave a boy a sword would it give him the means to become a man?
Something born of legend and things written long ago?
If You took him through an epic quest would it give him strength
to defy a masquerade of light?

If you gave this boy the armor of a knight fused in light would It give him the means to become a man?
Something born of legend and things written long ago?
If You took him through an epic quest would it give him strength
to slay a masquerade of light?

Tis this fairytale named destiny
Wishing upon a star
The prince who was once upon a time a pauper
Who saw and wished upon that very shooting star

Demons and angels, teller and hearers
Legends and epics…once upon a time

If you gave this boy a princess would it give him the means to become a man?
Something born of legend and things written long ago?
If You took him through an epic quest to rescue what was broken and taken away would it give him strength?
Enough to fight a masquerade of light?

If you gave this boy the keys to a legendary place?
Something born of the ruins of long ago?
Would the walk through the remanants of the ages shape His soul?
This boy who once upon a time dared to wish upon a shooting star?


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Though, You Slay me

It is funny how reading over your own words has the power to affect us in such a powerful intimate way as it does. My own words next to scripture seem to be a great and only comfort in this dreadful and wonderful summer God has been bringing me through.

My own humanity and flesh made apparent by this time spent in my words led by the spirit and scriptures inspired by the HOLY spirit makes this time a very difficult sobering and very honest one.

I found myself comforted by the words penned by Isaiah and habbakuk last night:

"Do not tremble and do not be afraid; have I not since long announced it to you and declared it?"

"Look at the nations and watch- and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told."

When I forget what God has prepared me for I loose the whole greater thing that God is doing.

My roomate was saying something that was quite prophetic in nature the other night. Demons like to make us forget about certain things that would allow our faith to swing to the side of emotional rather than based on the intimate truth God reveals to each one of us.

God has prepared me for all that He is bringing me into. When I sit reflect and read the seven journals documenting this christian life they all point to a preperation for this. I cannot deny that!

I was sitting a month ago in my driveway with my dearest christian brother in his car. I was tellling him about what God was doing in regards to Elise at the time. He said something quite profound at that time.

" John, this is far greater than a mere miracle, God has been preparing you for a far greater thing one in which your faith will be perfected, What God is about to do will change everything in your life, He will no longer be God but He will be the God who did this... ."

When I forget all this when I get overwhlemed by the present and loose sight of the God of the ages I loose everything.

" You know, Lord that I will obey because I know the things you have for me to do are for my benefit. Who You are is undeniable if only I would bare those things to the forfront of my mind. The task before me is not easy, Lord you know this. My head and heart are a muck. I am fully weak apart from You.I echo job's words, "though You slay me I will trust in you...this will be my salvation." You are my hope You are my joy. My only one.

You know I reside where the devil has lived since the most distant age. But you are the God who has dwelt in and amoung us since the dawn of our birth. Satan has made his throne in this world and the prospect of Your narrow path is a treachorous and a dangerous one contrary to the very soils and foundations of this Earth.

Lord may the narrow path be filled with joy. May I honor you in obedience in preperation for those things you have for me.I love you, Lord, Sweetest Jesus "


Sunday, September 02, 2007

A God Who Does Not Leave Things Broken (Thoughts on Year 1 of Many)

There are moments where I feel completely overwhlemed.

Where my lack of faith gets in the way of me trusting.

Where the soul somehow feels like it is many. Tonight was one of those nights...Tonight I needed someone to cry with. Someone to rejoice with.

There has been much chiseling of my heart that has taken place in this past year. So much redemption. Yet so infinitely much more to go. I find myself utterly overwhlemed by it all.

Today Elise and I celebrated our one year anniversary. It was such a blessing to spend the day with her and reflect on all that God has done.

How truly steep and treacherous the path was that we embarked upon.

I find myself struck by the fact that our God does not leave things broken.

All the tears. All the heart searching. All that he has done. I stand speechless and in awe.

I praise God for being nothing less than Himself. More than I could ever dream or imagine.

This is the God I desperatley desire to serve with Elise by my side.

The path will only grow more difficult, I have no doubt, but God will make himself known in it all.

Here's to year one of many...


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