I come in full realization of that:our God is most splendidly incredible!
That is beautiful isn't it.
God has a way of blowing me away by the fact He doesn't just merely provide but provides in bigger ways than I could ever imagine or realize!
I do not believe God to be a minimalist but to be an abundamentalist or morethanenoughalist.
And the thing is He gives it to the most undeserving people!
Long have I held to the idea that God in His very nature is an abundamentalist always providing the means for us to grow and flourish in undescribable ways at an given moment.
And that is the point I want to stop and meditate on tonight:
Over this past year or so my writing has completely changed stylelistically. I think I finally understand why tonight! God has showed me how truly available are the means to make a man somehow get closer to God HImself rather abundantly! Every finite moment has the possibility of taking us into the infinite of the far surpassing greatness that comes from what God alone gives!
It is in that light that the attributes of God and the diciplines of man become deeper and more fuller. Needless to say more difficult to write of as well.
The honesty I had in my old writing is harder to achieve because what I see and understand now takes more thought to get me to the point of all encompassing a finite thing that was never truly finite. A much fuller thing has become in my mind.
And I think in a lot of ways that the fact that during my three hour conversation with my best friend this morning showed...God is doing abundantly much in and around me and I can't encompass an infinite God in a finite pen and key stroke.
But my heart in it's infinte inadequacy can't stop recount such things.
Perhaps that's the reason three out of the four gospel writers wrote chronologically they could not describe it any other way: they saw God to be infininite a God of Ever-abundance!
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