BUT I doubt an understanding of that degree is going to come until I sit in silence and reflection for an extended time. That is probably not going to happen for a while, God is busy doing so much in this place.
But although I will be inadequate beyond belief to describe the indescrible God I still worship in this way:
For most of this summerI I have taken my lunch breaks in the UU of our university here. I sit up a story or two and watch people go by. It has been during this time that God has shown me tons about HIs heart for this year. This week has been incredible in respect to the fact that the freshman are roaming the campus once again and all that God has shown me finally has some clarity!
The battle plan for this year I am calling the "everfruit" oftentimes subtle and incredibly misunderstood .
I am calling it such a thing because I have believed for a long while and have prayed that God would begin an ever-revival here in SLO and to a greater extent for this nation. And in a lot of ways God is doing such a thing. I cannot deny it.
I see all around people taking stands as they have never before living in holiness and in community. Making the things they do an ever-_____. I see God doing miracles in our midst and I cannot deny it: God is doing a mighty work in this place!!!
I see God shaping circuimstance to pick up for our inadequacies! He is making sure what He desires is to be done and His people are moved in increidbly ways in the process. I am truly excited for what God is going to do with a people that say I would rather have what Jesus will be done far beyond anything else!
This people's ministry this year will be nothing close to what a campus minsitry normally does: many people will probably get frustrated by all this change. In reaching everyone ithings must be this way. This battle plan will be more subtle leaving room for God's spirit to brood and find the restless souls. He will go ahead and like Jericho He will knock down the many walls before us but we must go by His path. It is is His divine timing: a far better one.
We must not neglect to recognize the subtle ways:the everfruit!
We must be men and women of prayer, fasting, and holding to the power found in the Word of God believing it and seeing it to be as it truly is!
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