Certain phrases stick with us over time...they are those things that we can't rid our minds of. The idea of stopping has been in a sense the reoccuring theme over these past few weeks.
While I was in Seattle I got the chance to attend two of the local churches:
The lessons I learned while at Mar's Hill will be mentioned a little later on.
But tonight I was reminded of what a very wise man spoke on when I met up with one of my good friends at a local Seattle church, that second church.He talked on the holy spirit in Acts: specifically what it looks like to actually have it, what the scriptures declare about such a thing.
See tonight,a question that I have been formulating for a couple of years now as to whether or not there is this thing known as "baptism of the holy spirit" finally came to an answer. I am firmly convinced it does and that a large majority of christendom lives without annointing and what the church should have through such a "promise of the father."
I understand perfectly why things seem to be so confusing and chaotic as of late it is because we have forgot to be still and let a period of preperation come into a period of realization.
I stumbled upon an interesting quote tonight:
The church would be better off if we called for a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just waited upon God to see what He would do for us. Just wait on God.The early church did that very thing. They cleaned up the loose ends and were united...The holy spirit did not come upon the disciples to unite them. The holy Spirit came upon the disciples because they were already united,"being of one accord and in one place"...we have yet to see what God can do with a man if He can get him together in one place."
- A.W. Tozer
Every great preacher who has lived and every man who has been used to start revival was still and ceased and was filled, read their biographies every one has it in them.
Search the scriptures there is something dreadfully off.
Let God teach you to cease and be fully in one place. That we might be one as the Triune Godhead is one.
To His glory alone,
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