Friday, July 22, 2005

Being in Awe of God Every Day

I have to say that as i've known God these past almost 15 years there have been very few times that I've just sat in the presence of God, been silent, and just sat in awe of all he has done for me. But thinking over these past couple weeks I have to say I'm not in awe of God because of joy but rather because of the tough times. I've heard it said that we only know love because of its placement next to evil in this world. And to some degree that's true if we see all the evil done around us we know love because we know to what to compare it to; Its the hard times that make us enjoy the times of peace and joy. To those of you who havn't talked to me in a while you don't know that one of my friends in youth group mysteriously died on a backpacking trip. The whole idea of peace and joy in troubling times has been reinforced within me. But it is miraculous just to think that God created life and even more aweful to think that he loves us christians enough to give us peace in troubled times, infact just the fact that God loves us at all, and the incredible grace that is shown to us. Reflecting on the past couple weeks the ability to laugh and think over people's lives and be glad we met them but be gladder that one day we will get to know these people better and discover apart from evil what true uncompared love is like, is just so truly awesome. Just think those of us that know christ when we get to heaven will not know evil and will worship God not because of a comparison to evil but rather a full knowledge of what love is not a definition made up by comparisions and full knowledge of the full sacrifice that God made by sending Jesus to Earth and letting the very holy spirit indwell us. Followers of christ truly serve a great God worthy of at the least being in awe and saying wow! We serve such a great God.

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