Week 1...
Death, encouragement, tears, new friendships,cookies, dates, models, bunny suits, street preachers, reunions, bible study, parents, new classes, different directions,e-cards, e-high fives,horses,grilled cheese,houses, dumpster diving, Narnia, salvage yards, 2 corinthians, carmel apple cider, facebook salvations, 1000s of eggs,Librarys,choirs, 3D movies, old people...Yup!
Sometimes I find myself at the end of each week in rediculous disbelief at how God can weave thousands of very strange things into a really good story. But even more beyond that weave it together to a greater purpose. I mean look at life, it is a good read and if you are paying attention God has grafitied his name everywhere as of late.
I was telling Elise last night on our date that this quarter is so rediculous in so many ways and most certainly God is on the move. I can honestly for the first time at the end of each day say God did this wonderful thing today. How often does one get to experience that in such a dark and fallen world. Seriously that is so awesome!
For instance: I know of about 7 people that came to Christ this week alone. That is quite something. That is not including the other decisions I know of to return to their first Love, the only true Love, Jesus! It is no Acts church by any means but Cal Poly can say for the first time " and He added to their number daily." That is incredible!
To those who doubt God can do something wonderful still in our time... I have seen His working...He is still Mighty and Powerful. He is as Hebrews 13:8 exclaims " ...the same yesterday today and forever."
There is such a tendency to get discouraged in this age...but brothers we are called to joy and unending peace, " He will keep in perfect peace he who has his mind set upon Him." Scripture promises that to us. Brothers and sisters " we sing cause He is bigger than any reverence we could make and we dance until we are tired because we know His name is great"
So when I title this blog In protest... I mean that no blog title can capture what God is doing here and who He is. If you want it summarized go somewhere else...God is too big to be contained. We lose who He is when we try to define Him with anything we have to offer.
So I close tonight at the end of this week, the day before the anniversary of my Jesus rising from death and conquering sin once and for all, knowing that we at CalPoly have experienced nothing yet! And far greater things are to come! I don't know the specifics but I know my God!
Long live Jesus!
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