I've have been staring at the concept of community for a while now trying desperately to gather my thoughts on such a broad topic. I have been meaning to write something on the subject for a while but I knew God was not done teaching my tounge of the words I would speak. This is what I find God is teaching me and what I see:
I found myself this weekend walking along the beach with Jesus and I saw something quite remarkable on an outcropping of rocks in the water. I beheld four men sharing their lives with one another praying for each other. Hands holding each others shoulders and I saw a picture of what God is doing.
part of John the baptist's ministry was to return the heart of the fathers toward their sons. God through his intimate whisper and individual work in each son of God in this place is returning their heart to the Father. This is the MANifestation of what I saw while on that beach.
I do not think my observations prove me wrong in this. God is developing real christian community all around me. He is developing real leadership in his sons and doing quite a remarkable thing. It is frickin RAD!!!
And I am forced to think from all of this that this real community I see is really from an overflow of awe and a love for God himself. the love of His word and who He is is doing miracles in the midst!
You find me in the middle of a ball room
Upon my knees where lights refuse to diffuse this gloom
You Take me out of the crowd touch my tounge and say
My child how I love you and wish to be with you on this day
more to come...
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