-Jacob later named Israel
O Christ our Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. As conies to their rock, so have we run to thee for safety; as birds from their wandering, so we have flown to Thee for peace. Chance and change are busy in our little world of nature and men, but in Thee we find no variableness nor shadow or turning. We rest in Thee without fear or doubt and face our tommorows without anxieties. amen
-A.W. Tozer
I was telling a guy I got the chance to talk with last thursday morning at Peet's Coffee that God has the christian community in a season of Chaos and disorder.
My girlfriend was talking to one of the pastors of our church here in SLO and said something to the same effect regarding a certain miracle and what God is doing with it "I honestly have no idea what God is doing with it"
That is all most of us know.
Those who have been let in on God's great revalation for this age are hushed by levitical law on prophetic utterance.
God is doing a great work in our midst and perhaps years down the road perhaps we will be able to understand all of it. Not now, though!
And this is the reason I write.
Over these past few days amidst so much craziness I must confess I have forget to cling upon the Rock to fix my gaze upon Jesus and let all cares cease. The result has been disastorous. I find myself understanding the necessity of holding my Father's hand during this season.
I found myself so disoriented after today that I needed to commune in the high places.I neglected my studies and work and will be up late tonight because I found myself tonight facing the east and watching the beautiful hills that grace this part of the country. Watching the freeway traffic and the voice in my head saying " you are surely in the valley"
Here is where God calls me...in this valley. He calls me to long suffereing, long faith, long endurance and all those things that draw me closer to HIm.
But although I am surely in the valley I rest in the fact that as hebrews declares God is the same yesterday today and forever. I can rest on the immutability of His character that there is ever grace and ever love for me should I choose to run back and say here I am abba daddy!
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