I did today though. It was nice.
If God didn't call us to take a sabbath rest I think I would go nuts.
Today I spent most of the day at Peet's coffee downtown. It is by far my favorite coffee shop in SLO.
That may change but for now I will say the above.
I was thinking though while I was downtown and after I got home and doing enjoyable stuff like organizing, throwing away, sorting etc. "how lonely coffee shops are." I feel like I could open up the forum to talk about such things but I feel like it doesn't go anywhere.
But the questions about such things and their solutions remain unanswered:How do we fix the problem of lonliness, how do we cultivate commmunity, true friendship, love etc.
I ran into a good friend at Peet's. We sat down at the window caught up and then proceeded to do our own things. I was gazing out the window and saw a world far gone pass before my eyes. It was very odd to see such things in SLO.
I was reading Luke 10 which mentions a town called Tyre. For those who don't know about Tyre I would encourage you to read Ezekial 26-28 and Isaiah 23. They encapsulate a city that got it BUT eventually they too fell into immorality and ended up being completley consumed and destroyed by God's wrath due to their sin.
In all that I read today I was left to wonder if we as a country are not so far gone ourselves from what God would intend for us. My heart broke once again for America. Like the jews that saw the signs and wonders that God displayed before their very eyes I wonder if we are not changed by what God is doing. Will we be like Tyre who would have believed if we saw what the jews saw?
I am left with no answers. That is the best place to be for now. To let God act in His hallowed nature: not knowing how to approach these issues. In so doing His name will alone be glorified.
Just some thoughts to ponder on.
To His Glory,
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