Sorry I haven't written in a while, things have most certainly been busy and full to say the least. To illustrate take for instance this past week :Yesterday I was up for 20 hrs worked straight through besides lunch from 5am to 1 am, the day previous 18rs and I worked through this past weekend and monday(the holiday). A lot to do...for sure!
It is truly strange though because what I am doing I am loving and these 20 hr days honestly they don't bug me.
Yesterday I remember just being so captivated by the beauty of the silence of the morning. A sleeping world still under the veil of night still, ceasing from striving (ps 48:10.) and ending the day with the silence of the midnight hours. I remember worshiping with hands that were rough and bruised from the days labor but not being angry that life was not always roses. There was something just so profound about what lied around me yesterday, God was fully in it although it was merely just an ordinary day.
This rain that has been falling since Sunday has given me the chance to simply walk and look around. There is this beautiful captivating thing known as creation all around us. Berries in bloom, grass becoming green, the rain that is falling ,the hills these two doves that sit outside my window etc it's all so very beautiful.
And honestly I find myself struck by all who God is. As I sat at work alone this morning waiting on the systems to begin running that thought gave me joy and a smile uncontained, it simply does. It still does! God is so good, and so incredibly sovereign.
To His Sovereign Glory alone,