Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Poverty of a selfish imagination

What do I write, when words fail me in so many respects?When the thoughts in my head keep spinning and the energy, let alone the fuel,makes it continue ever so?When an impoverished selfish imagination stirs things that make it difficult for You to pick up the settled dust: In the whirlwind of thoughts and emotion?

See, In many ways my call to this chair to write is easy, to write of the knowledge I have gained and to reflect upon Your work for no one in particular but myself. I risk very little in doing so . Yet somehow " in the grand scheme of things, this is just an average piece of junk and as far as my imagination may carry my words they in fact do nothing apart from You.


As much as I may admire the words of the many men who like me have strung 26 letters together into words and clever phrases they too have done nothing apart from You. ...truth says we are all the same... all mankind is leveled on one playing field.

Your sovereignty, Your oversight.

Over all things You are.

To Your glory alone,

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