Thursday, January 17, 2008

Questions on a Thursday Afternoon

What does discipleship look like biblically is it merely about ministry? I mean this is the mode that many disciplers take, is this what it really looks like? Is everything about ministry ? Why do I seem to shy away from this "mainstream" ministry do I not believe in Your purpose in it or am I merely like Luke and being too skeptical or lazy or called to something different?Are the countless conversations I have with people worthwhile to their spiritual condition? Am I letting a knowledge of who God is and especially God's sovereignty dictate this aspect of life too much and not doing anything? Do I have faith without deeds? What do deeds look like if God were to switch your direction all of a sudden and you don't know how to have deeds in this society? Is the church or campus ministries doing your deeds as you would have them? Are people so busy with ministry that they miss ministry on the way to it? Are most people too busy to let the Spirit do its thing? What is ministry for that matter? If God desires community and each part of the body teaching each other then why is discipleship the way that it is. Is discipleship every interaction between the older and younger or is that something different and should be treated differently?


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