Thursday, January 25, 2007

Atop the World

Yesterday I got the chance to go atop the hills that surround Cal Poly. There was some frustration brewing within me and I felt a need to commune where in a sense I had sojourned before. God always has a way of in a sense of sweeping me off my feet while I meet Him in the hills .

He normally grants me a song, a picture, and some scripture. Yesterday there was a lot more scripture than normally and a lot of it concerned the city of Tyre, I honeslty have no idea what the heck that is all about so I will not mention anything about that besides every passage the wind blew open to was about Tyre. So I am positive God has more to speak about Tyre, but God and I have not had that convo yet.

He led me back to Isaiah, He seems to favor that book while I am in the hills. God has been speaking to me through Isaiah 22 for a long time now,well more like the past month and a half, whenever I am in the mountains or the hills away from civilization and things are quiet and sweet. I have had many misled ideas about the meaning of what the verses within the chapter mean, I remember telling Colin a while back that I thought God was going to give this baptism of the holy spirit that I have been seeking out and that these verses stated it. I don't know if that is going to happen or not or if that even exists but I know something is changing within me. These verses speak of a valley and walls crumbling and crying to the mountains. God is bringing me to the end of me, where the fence is knocked down, where all walls are knocked down and I finally am what God has destined me to be, I am by no means there yet, I am def striving toward that goal thought and It will be awesome to see how God conveys my life story in words when I know everything is changing gnarlycore( gnarly+ hardcore=gnarlycore). I am pretty stoked to say the least.

I felt today God leading me to write impassioned words letting words come out that haven't come out in a long time. I found it was my sensitivity returning to the state of the heavens and God's very heart. I have not been that in tune for a long while. I was relieved to find myself still in a season where I don't have to speak up except prompted. The responsibility fell upon other leaders and it was sweet to see fiery words come and people repenting.I know this probably doesn't mean anything to a lot of you, the before mentioned ramblings. Anyways though I will continue because this is merely a record for me. God is carrying me beyond the broken fence, cracking boulders, and doing amazing things. That is personally really exciting, probably not exciting for you because it is not your own soul that is being divided from the spirit. It's mine though, and that is cool.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too find peace and communion with God in the hills, as did many such as Elijah. But, praise God that we can seek Him in the melee of the battlefield in which we are place.
I may check out this fine blog more often.

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