Sunday, January 07, 2007

Cultural identity & lessons form the Storms

(written at SFO)

I was sitting on the plane like I normally do when I have my deep thoughts on my travels to someplace. I was thinking that perhaps culture is an oftentimes missed subject in the Christian church.After some thought on the subject I believe it to be far too neglected. I was thinking though that most of our frustrations lie within the culture and how to in a sense relate to it while still remaining apart from it, shouldn't we focus on it if it the source of our frustation or figure out why? We have never fully understand it as Christians and do a really poor job of teaching God's elect about culture.

I don't believe it is a plan by any means or a piece of knowledge beyond the personal with Jesus Christ. I am simply writing because few without a helpful letter or thought provoking blog will think about such things. I am a means for those who won't look at God's word and get the better or better interpretted plan from Him.The fact remains though that in relating to the culture we need to change our outlook on it. I think foremost we need to change a few of our mindsets on a few key things and I feel myself repetitive in writing things over and over because I write to a specific auidence.

I remember last time I was in san fransisco I wrote something about the homosexual population here or something to that degree that they are a major foundation for art and thought and they are genrally a source for a lot of good in the world.This contributes greatly to the city's culture. It is a city that enjoys intellectual thought and enjoys showcasing how diverse it it a modern day Athens if you will. I think oftentimes we miss the point though as Christians when we look at a city like that, we judge too frequently, and get in the middle when we are supposed to be on the sidelines praying. Sin is the issue but it was always about us relating back to Jesus, we see it all over the gospels. Everything in the entire bible if looked at with an open mind and original intent it was all to point to Jesus. We somehow can't tie Jesus into our culture though for some odd reason as christians why?

I could probably say that we're stupid as a culture of chirstians. I could probably say that we are lazy and don't understand enough about our culture. I would probably be right in making such judgements but if my words here go only to the point of complaining and not helping then what is the point.

Here's what I see about our culture. Art is supposed to make a statement and say something, but what does it do. It really sucks at getting its purpose done unless words are spoken to explain it or some previous knowledge is known about it. I got to go to the Denver Art meusem and I was amazed at the fact that the art was there to trigger a response. A nude mona lisa, eighteen life size bobbleheads etc. Honestly a lot of it was crap, including the building. It was interesting to say the least with its non ninety degree anything but I saw the fact that the snow was dripping into the building they probably should have cared more about longevity than the fact that the asthetics of that one corner.

Our culture doesn’t care about longevity or craft. We have lost the whole point that we have so many art projects in a sense without purpose. We have a world where people are starving and we have a thirty foot dustpan, how bout we act and not say so many words with our painted picture. Couldn’t we have saved the life of someone in the world instead of creating such rediculous things.

America is so much a nation where the mentatility is bliss and the consumtion of ice cream if eliminated could feed the entire world. That is sad. Could it be that I am supposed to stay here. Is it true that I am supposed to be a man that should involve myself in the world and get my hands dirty always being loyal to my Jesus and to no one else. Yes! My whole being cries out and says yes whole heartedly. Opinions of men do not matter anymore…my ultimate accountability partner is in heaven.

This is the point I have lost amidst finding friends being immersed into much and opening up to many. This is what I have gained after letting go to grow. In order that I find a deeper truth for my own and my own understanding but ultimatey a deeper meaning in Him.

I have lost so much yet have gained every ounce back and am to gain more. That is something! Embarking upon true understanding on the central issue and central understanding that is lacking.


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