Tuesday, July 03, 2007

New Lessons

For generally the first time in my life I believe that God has me on a string of lessons that doesn't come naturally or easy for me. I am not saying that the trials in my life have been pieces of cake. But the fact remains these lessons are a new breed.

I was telling Randy last night that I know I am exactly where God wants me to be. I am terribly uncomfortable with it. I feel as if I tell God every night I didn't choose what your going to use me for or what you are going to do with my life. But I am always brought back to the thought neither did all the other people in the bible. Those men and women God chose as his ambassadors those one he chose to do incredible things through were men and women much like myself.

When I so often turn to fearing what will happen:

Leadership. Responsibility.
Biblical manliness

I am comforted by all the other screwups in the bible that they made it out okay they clung to God's word as to a liferaft spent a lot of time in prayer and meditation stepped far outside their comfort zone but, in the end they made it out okay. Their faith was beautifully refined because of the process.

So as I sit here writing in my new house: the place I will continue to write from for probably another four years, I begin the third installment of lessons: the difficult ones that take time. Those ones that refine my character and heart far better than anything else I have ever experienced. I clinge to God and His Word to His will and His ordinance because it is the only way I will get through. I rise to the occasion.


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