So here I am. I sit here in the same chair.I write from the same computer.Still at the same desk. Yet amidst all this same it seems the spiritual season is hinting at changing. It's like one of those movies where leaves are blowing off the trees, gently falling as you walk under them. The wind sweetly blowing against your face. And the perfect score is playing as backround music as if some wonderful journey is about to begin. Such a wonderful thing about to begin.
I have often wrote about the quarter at this time... trying to leave it behind bulletpoint it, categorize it and find the answer to what each quarter was about..and then move on. As If I could pin down all the subtlies all the teaching all the shaping God has done. I would do God a great injustice if I were to speak and do as I have done in the past. I feel no need to do any of that anymore. Each season boils down to the knowledge God is God, unchanging, ever good, ever wonderful, and ever true. Beyond that very little needs to be said about each season besides the showcase of who God is.
I finished Mark today and I was amazed to find that Mark's last four or so chapters are simply a chronology of events. They differ greatly from the rest of the book and read much like a history book. As did Mark and Peter the writers of the gospel of Mark I see the importance of merely stating things as they are for certain things. With events that are to happen that will showcase God's power over the next few years we need to stop speculating and merely write as things are. God will show himself to an unbelieving generation and for the first time in a long while they will begin to turn accepting the baptism and embracing belief. But it can't be anything we as christians piece together for them!
There's the utmost necessity for the individual to meet God individually and for a heart change to happen within the individual. In a lot of ways we need to get out of the way and let the spirit work. Taking the oppurtunity to embrace every oppurtunity to share the good news...because we are still hands and feet mind you. But we must be ever mindful that prayer is the only thing that will change the unbelieving heart and get rid of the spirits that bind belief In Jesus and the baptism from taking place. Prayer is the muscle that opens the clammy heart.
I was reminded today as I was finishing up Mark that there is an understanding and a knowledge that needs to be within the children of God about Daddy's business and what He has worked to do over not just our short stay on Earth but over the history of mankind. We as people need to understand the propecy of the old testament and need to know how it is going to be applied to our time. For most that means understanding the new testament first and who Jesus was and who He is. We need to be reading our bibles more, not for the sake of doing but because our heart wants to because our God is God, unchanging, ever good, ever wonderful, and ever true.
I plead here as well as in my prayers that we would be a generation known for our hearts...not our actions alone. There is so much that appears to be good in the world...not all of it truly is. But a heart that is pure and has right intentions that is beautiful before the Lord and naturally flows driven only by love...that speaks far louder and resounds. May we have that heart.
The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green. Psalm 92:12-15
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