Why is the begining always the hardest? I swear! There are times that I will spend hours, entire days of thought life thinking about the first sentence. I must say! There are far better things to do with my time then pondering about the beginning of things. The beginning has already begun by the action of deciding upon writing, and it is in part begun by people choosing to decide upon an action and the feet that have tread before me. The ball has already been set in motion in many things. The first step has already been taken.
So shall I begin? I will continue...I think a lot, a lot, most often about meaningless and inconsequential things. This is to my emotional downfall a lot of time. By nature I ask a lot of questions,and have always had trouble with this aspect of my character. I continuously am setting rocks in motion rolling down that metaphorical hill called progress .I don't think it is just to be an ass. Who knows, maybe I am frustrated to no end with what I see. I believe I ask and think to make people observant that many things are in movement around them. Not limited to my own rocks but the boulders that have been set in motion by other far more important men than I. I have come to realize after stepping back for two weeks and seeking out God and not starting many rocks down that hill known as progess that there are threads that are continuous through everything in life. There is a thread to life, and I must not try to do it all on my own. I am a part of a much larger mountain.
I believe and have come to the conclusion after much thought about the society I live in, we don't view ourselves in our proper context. We all see it right? Our society has big issues. Something is missing, things are not good, not perfect. What is wrong? Mr. Papas said this week, our generation will most likely not be known by the natural progression of generation x, y etc. We our so arrogant , stupid and selfish that we will be known most likly by generation "I."
I am not proposing everybody gets less selfish all of sudden because of the knowledge that they now have. Don't do that at all, IT IS NOT COMING NATURALLY AND THAT IS THE REAL ISSUE. Christian brothers come to me all the time wanting to bypass the issue. I will oblige by listening but I tell them foremost " you need to deal with things with your Father in heaven." The best thing they can do is take a day off get on there knees and simply sit there and let the overwhelming nature of silence set in. You can't keep covering the pain you must comfront it head on and deal it. We have got to get this down and realize this above many others:There is a progression of progress that has been begun a long time ago. Progress, reconciling, it has and will continue to happen despite us.I will say this though: we are hands and feet and must set things in motion but before we do anymore we must get in touch with the one who makes the rocks roll. I would love to see christians not force anything until they take a week off to pray fast and deal with the REAL ISSUE. I took my two weeks. God shattered my perceptions. God made me cry. God made me deal with this issue. We all need so much work, it is overwhelming.
If you do anything with what you learned here do this 1. read God's word and don't get frustrated, sit and meditate on a passage for more than your ADD mind normally would. And 2. figure out why things don't come naturally, the insight you gain from that question is well worth the soul searching. So much for my nap, bummer.
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