What if when we had a spare moment instead of turning to certain things like TV, facebook, AIM, blogging, checking our email, Youtube videos, and twiddling our thumbs etc. instead turned to the constant continued conversation with God?
I have found myself amazed at how much time I waste and how my heart, showcased by this unordinary lack of busyness, still does not seek out God in every moment.
As I sit here in mediation on these past two weeks I find myself wanting more to do. Those times I feel most alive are those moments and days where I am pushed to exhaustion forced to rely on my Jesus. Where every moment I desire to have conversation with God because of the necesiity for it.
I am dumbfounded with each time I have a lag in my schedule. I think in those times we get to see where our heart is at infinitely more than those times where we seek out God only out of necessity.
So I pose this question...what if when we had a spare moment we turned to God? To seeking him out in His word? Talking to him through prayer? What if?
What would that look like? What kind of culture would that cultivate? How would america look different than it does now?
I thank God for friends and a girlfriend who I could spend eternity with and never run out of things to say or do. But what about the God of the universe who sent his own Son? Currently would we be able to spend eternity with him and never run out of adoration and praise because we know who He is? Do we know this God?
I am not saying by any means that we should be like monks isolating ourselves from the world reading our bibles and praying all the time. The world we live in is a God soaked one! There are mountains to climb, lakes to swim in. There is a beauty all around us.
I merely wish to say I wish we all would simply love God like we do many other things in this world. I wish the idolatry we have around us would cease for the rest of eternity and we would see God with the unveiled face.