I have often sat in wonder of so many men that have come before me, those people who have laid a foundation for Christ in their times. The Hymns they wrote and sang, the psalms, and the lives they lived make me sit back and stare into silent wonder and reverent awe.
One man in particular has made me think about the beautiful passing of time and the signifance of man. David was a simple shepard become king. It is interesting to think that probably no man had inspired more than he has. Think of any church service in our day, think upon the psalms. The only part of the old testament we normally choose to focus upon. The worship we sing inspired by the words of that man. I think David had something we don't have in our generation he was a man after God's own heart. He was someone who laid a foundation for Christ to come before Christ had come. He was intune with the spirit, and within his character was the seed that brought Jesus.
A girl named Amy once said I was a modern day David, I did not know the signifigance of that phrase back then when she uttered those words. That is probably the biggest compliment, besides being called a modern day Jesus. But as I study david's character more, who am I to be compared to a man as great as he.
The one thing I think David has that we don't is that he didn't care, he danced when the ark came back. When the Spirit of God returned he could not contain his joy. Are we delighted to enter into the presence of the most Holy? I fear too often we are not delighted, we forget that God desires us to be joyful to dance in his presence.
Psalm 16:8 says I have set the Lord always before me
Psalm 42:2 says My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?
David had no idols before him, he was consumed only by Christ. That is why I believe Christ came from his lineage. I am going to take this thought further and say that when we lay ourselves at the feet of God and demand to be conquered, being taken over in our personality and having it being shaped as the potter shapes clay God will bless our seed, he will bless the fruit of our labor and will make us as signifigant as David, giving our lives more meaning than we could possibly know just as David . For The circling of the earth around the sun three thousand times, the time it has taken for every empire on earth to collapse, rulers principalities and authorities to die. David has had more power over men for good than a thousand religious doctors and bishops have had. Even in death he has more power than the living, that is something!
That makes me want to run toward Christ forsaking all those things in which I have clinged too. I hope it makes you want to too!!!
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