Saturday, August 12, 2006

Reflections on the Divine face of God

Bless, O my soul, the living God,
Call home thy thoughts that roam abroad,
That all the powers within me join
In work and worship so divine

Bless, O my soul, the God of Grace,
His favors claim the highest praise.
Why should the wonders He has wrought
Be lost in slience, and Forgot?

Let the whole earth His power confess,
Let the whole earth adore His grace.
the gentiles, with the jews, shall join
In work and worship so divine.

-Issac Watts

God's been working a lot in me this summer, I would say in the analogy of a construction sight tearing down the entire building that once was completed and reworking the foundation. God the job site supervisor is getting ready for a better design. It seems that God has some very foundational things what I would call simple truths. Things that when I built and did my work in building this life the first time I either ignored or missed entirely and they were not included in the design.

One common theme that keeps popping up is this whole waiting thing. God directed my thoughts to two different varients while praying and being still yesterday. One waiting, self sacrificing, that is true love. Two waiting in the sense that we should foremost be worshippers than doers.

I keep coming back to the whole fact that God doesn't need us but He chooses to use us. It says in Luke 19 " that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediatley cry out." Don't you think God can do things on His own if we don't choose to act, God will still be glorified and praised. Why would we ever though, why would we not cry out? I believe He has power to accomplish infintley more than I can ever imagine or dream about. That's something that's worthy of praise and exactley why those rocks will never cry out while I am alive.

On another thought on the whole reflections thing, I was sitting in the car coming back from Fort Collins and God showed me something I never realized. It applies to the whole crying out. While the sun was setting it went through the rain and created a rainbow. Like most things in nature there is three and there is normally a good metaphor in it. God the father the light(sun) was able to wash us(rain) with Jesus and has given us a promise in the spirit(rainbow). I think there is something differnt in it though rather than the trinity. God shines on us and through his spirit the rain(baptism or washing of the holy spirit) will let us reflect the fathers a whole new way.


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