Monday, August 14, 2006

Sleep Cycle v2

So ever since I got this job of mine that has me up between4-5AM nearly every day my sleep schedule has been a little off. Take for instance today I woke up at like 8AM on my own took a nap at 2-6 awoke again at 12:30 after going to bed at 9PM so pretty much it is now 1:30 AM I am still up and since I have 8 hours of sleep my body is perfectly awake and I will probably be up unless I fall asleep again and of course then I will be up at 5:20. I hate real jobs. God is totally using this time but I am so ready to be back, honestly with me being the only one here and the time drawing nearer each day, every day is a bigger challenge because I know God has infintely more to do in me but it is so easy to just settle. I know God's timing is way better so I will remain without letting my will get in the way and find joy in the area I am in. I think that is probably one of the biggest struggles I have right now focusing enough on the present to be able to simply do nothing. It has always been a hard thing to balance during a time of complete dessert silence. But once again this is only a season and seasons pass and I'm certaintly glad this one is coming to a close eventually. Until then though my prayers are with all of you. Take time to be still in the silence that we never truly want but need so desperatly.

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