Saturday, August 05, 2006

Shattering the Glass Perception

If you talk to anyone I know, especially my accountabily partners over the years they will tell you that I struggle heavily in the area of thinking too highly of myself one moment yet at another point in time not thinking highly enough of myself being so chaotic in finding my worth that it manifests itself into deep apathy and deep passion the next moment. I have for a long time been putting a glass box of wrong perceptions around myself not really letting people see the real John." In so doing I think I have negelected letting Perceptions I have of myself align with my fathers view of me. And it seems in all this soul searching it's time to get a sledge hammer and smash this perception box made of the most beautiful of glass!

"For through the grace given me I say to everyone that they should not think more highly of himself then he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has alloted to each a measure of faith. "
-romans 12:3

I find my worth in Jesus alone and the fact that when He looks at me He sees me saved and perfect in all my failures. And that is beautiful! I have yet to be fully sanctified and that is okay I don't need to do that to earn slavation or worth, I am already worthy through Christ alone. It is my worship to Him to be sanctified. The fact that all I need do is nothing and He will get everything done! But he wants me to partake! To give me blessing! To let love shine through me, and reflect as a face that spent time in the shekinah glory

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upone you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26

I think paul was on to something when he said our perceptions of ourselves are alloted on the basis of our faith. When we believe God to be a God that is outside any human box, we begin to in turn shatter our outer glass shell and we begin to find that being unprotected we are sheltered alone by God and we can let Him move in is the same way He is, hallowed.

We gain so much peace when we have the key Romans 11:33-36

May we shatter this box of what God can do and shatter the glass shell of what God can do through us through Him! It is time for a generation of those baptised in the Spirit! For those who are baptized in Him will clothe their perception by Him through Him and to Him and His glory! I wait to see that one, oh what a sight that would be!


1 comment:

Colin said...

John, I know that question I asked you on AIM was pretty intense and it is good to know that you are really thinking about it. I am praying for you. Know that you are a great role model to me and someone I look up to and also a brother, friend, and fellow worshipper of the Almighty. I want to let you know that you are a courageous lion of tend to fight or sleep. But I am praying for you, and I know I have my issues too. Your identity is in Christ and He sees you as His Son. Completely clean, and it brings joy to Him when you call His Name, and when He sees your tears of joy and the overflow of your heart that beams from your uncontainable smile. I am praying for you. lata bra' did I just say that...


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