Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Book Recommendation

I don't think I have ever recommended a book on this blog. I have put numerous quotes from Tozer over the past few years and a few portions of the bible but I have never recommended a book.

Why, you might ask? I mean I do read a lot. You think I would have found something worth recommending in all the years this blog has existed. But honestly I never thought about it.

You were expecting something more profound...i know...sorry guys.

The book is called the Dangerous Act of Worship by Mark Labberton.


Read an exert here


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey John,

Thanks for reading The Dangerous Act of Worship and encouraging other to read it too. I long for the issues of this book to be more deeply part of my own life and ministry, and am eager for others who want to follow Jesus to seek that too.

Mark Labberton

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