The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green. Psalm 92:12-15
Friday, March 31, 2006
Decisions are hard, but they are the basis on which we build our lives on. God and I had a little duking about a certain decision I was going to make. God like always won and I am going to do this thing he is telling me to do. The thing is though my heart is not in it fully , that scares me, I desire for my heart to be in the right place but when it comes down to it I am exhausted. I've written several songs with that phrase in it, I"m exhausted. However I don't think that is really what it is it is more of a I'm yearning for more and longing for someday when my will will align with God's perfectly and we can be one. It's a rough state to be in but the thing is it is rewarding beyond anything serving Christ. It's tough work but it is the only work that means anything. I learned something that I am realizing more and more lately. We must be happy in our circumstance but also we must take joy in even the little things like doing homework and serving God with an eternal picture rather than not waiting on his time at all. I was reading this verse yesterday in Leveiticus and it struck me( " By those who come near Me I will be treated as holy, and before all people I will be honored" So Aaron, therefore kept silent) -lev 10:3 We need to just shut up sometimes and listen to God telling us that he is a jealous God and requires faithful servents. I must admit I have not been a faithful servent all the time. I think when it boils down to it I was never really faitful I just served the one who had been faithful to me all those years. The thing is though I realized we must wait on God's timing in everything and although allthough it doesn't really look like it is the best timing with our perception of timing it always turns out to be.
Another thing that struck me was a phrase from St. Augustine's confessions "Thou changest thy ways, leaving thy plans unchanged" I think what he is trying to get it that prayer is somehow a way to change not necessarily the heart of God but rather his" heart" in the sense of our heart that he will change his way of doing things to meet those prayers of those he loves, but in so doing He is big enough to make that not affect the" plans" God has. I think his plans is the story of salvation Jesus, prophecy and all the like. That will never change. We don't serve a God who doesn't want to act on the sinners behalf. However we do have a God that is one of wrath and justice. He is grieved, and he is delighted. If we grieve Him He is less likely to work. That is why righteous mens prayers are more powerful. And that is why prayer is not in a good condition these days. The sin that we refuse to let go is seperating our communication with God and it is out faults. I heard the phrase once the glory of God, is man fully alive. I don't think it is the perfect phrase by any means. But when God is glorified it is when man is fully alive and acting and being glourious to God. We must obey. We must submit. And we must surrender all. Whether we're exhausted or not. It is what a righteous God demands. Suck it up, there are better things to come than what this world has to offer!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
A Bloggers Time of Silence
Illumination of Fragmented thoughts
During lent I took the oppurtunity to not blog on what was then myspace doing it only for myself. These are those posts.
I have been taking time over the past two weeks to not let you guys see little tid bits of what God is doing but rather see what happens over the course of two weeks for the Kingdom of God here at CalPoly By not blogging about things but rather so you might see God’s attack not through my eyes but your eyes. The interesting thing is, is as I sit in this airport and I think about all God has done particularly in me I want to sit here in silence and simply be still in the captivating presence known as Christ.
Avoid godless chatter because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.
2 Timothy 2:16
Within Me
Lately God has done a great work in me, he made me realize who I am and how truly horrible the flesh is that lives inside of me. But most importantly he did something unexpected he allowed me to backslide into sin in order that I might know that I am nothing apart from Him. The thing is I am not who I am because of me and although I have every right according to this world’s standards to be prideful because of the gifts and talents God has graced upon me. All that belongs to God I am no longer my own and it is Christ who comes through this body when I speak and when I have this joy and peace about me. It is Christ alone who can transform the heart and the mind. To change the heart though you must first accept in the mind.
Without love unforgiving slanderous without self control brutal not lovers of good treacherous rash conceited lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.
My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes."
-Job 42: 6
Another thing that has been happening within me is the realization that I don’t have to take every opportunity to point towards Christ. I will realize and make that more and more true every day because I love Christ but it is not because I somehow fit into God’s cosmic plan, in the area that I am to do something and it is because of me. This goes back to the whole learning that I am nothing apart from Christ because the thing is that God works in spite of sin he has held the church together for two millennia. He uses non Christians oftentimes just as much as he does with Christians the thing is though that they will not get a reward because good works don’t get someone into heaven self sacrificing loving heart condition for the sake of Christ gets you into heaven. Loving God enough to give up everything you are and crucify who you are. It is about Christ and it is about the Glory of the Father and the indwelling spirit taking control.
What if we as Christians didn’t speak of God and didn’t take any of the opportunities relying solely on the Holy Spirit for the movement and work. It says that the very rocks would cry out. Jesus will be proclaimed any way no matter what we as Christians do. Yet as to what God chooses to move through most I have no idea how to answer that question and I am forced once again to God’s word and the character of Jesus. We are to be like Jesus and he was never alone but he never was solely with non-christians but he devoted a lot of his time to his parents ten times as much as the ministry years. I am going to gander to say that I am going to take the stance as Jesus did to let God be glorified and not myself by not doing anything and taking every opportunity but I am going to bless those people around me through who Christ has made me into.
-Now when I came to Troas for the gospel of Christ and when a door was opened for me in the lord, I had no rest for my soul not finding Titus, but taking my leave of them I went on to Macedonia
-2 Corinthians 2:2
Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did
-1 John 2:6
I know that you can do all things ; no plan of yours can be thwarted You asked, 'Who is this that obscures my counsel without knowledge?' Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. "You said, 'Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me.' My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes."
-Job 42:2-6
Someone Older and Wiser
I think this year has been the first one I have really learned to respect older people for the incredible wisdom they hold. But perhaps the prospect now that I have an older Christian guy who is going to pour himself into discipiling me is by far some of the best news I have had in the last couple weeks. I need that so desperately because being stuck in a college town it is ironic that although we are “so” aware of things we keep ourselves in a bubble and don’t really don’t know what is going on in the world. That’s stupid. We need older people to interaqct with or we all come up with the same ideas.
Avoid godless chatter because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.
2 Timothy 2:16
-Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the lord and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes fear the lord and shun evil.
-Proverbs 3( the whole thing is amazing)
The Prophecy that lies within me
My dreams have been disturbed as of late much like Job the things I have seen are too lofty for mine eyes and I am reduced to dust. I am glad this will not be posted for another couple weeks because the thing is I am nothing and God is so amazing. I fear if this were posted on this day, the day that I write, I would receive glory for knowing, but I mention it hear to praise God so that I might know later on that God is so magnificent that he cares enough to let a sinner like me on his lofty things. As I awoke a couple nights ago the playboy poster fell down it has remained down to this day almost a month later. God showed me that sin will no longer reign in this room but will be torn down and we will trample over it. This room is for the conquerors those who have accepted and will accept Christ. Faith will almost be destroyed in this country but then it will come alive once again this is the time that God speaks of the last stage of the church when we no longer submit to sin and no longer let it reign in our mortal bodies.
No Idea
So I haven’t really sat down for a while to blog or I guess I would call it here a clog(computer log) since it is not on the web. So as I sit here cloging I am constantly reminded that humans are lazy. I am a really lazy individual. I have one more thing to study for and I need to get motivated. So I can pass calc. However it is good to forget that solitude and rest are necessities but also are real deep relationships with one another. We need to balance things. Because God doesn’t call us to a live a life that we are comfortable with but rather one that is outside that which is comfortable. I’m really excited to go home!!!
A prayer of Thanks
I want to say thanks to the God who has always been there when I needed him the most. One who gives me strength to fight and continue on. I want to say thanks most of all for the realationships that I have with some of the guys here and I ask your forgiveness when my thoughts are not aligned with yours and this flesh takes over. Thanks you for the peace that comes with that though. You are truly a God who cares and is there for me when I need you to be there for me. Thank you for the shaking of the Earth about to come. Thank you for using me a sinner…
I am taking time to be still
To let the emotions unravel
Finnaly dealing with whats been going on
Haven’t been myself
I am no longer fully alive
More silence makes this heart ache
I know what is needed though
To bring about what you have planned
I am willing to be ok with that
However somehow I am not
And this conflict
Could it be simply to yield
Will it ever be easy
I don’t believe it will
I will always need to be made perfect
And I…all these thoughts
Amidst them
There is peace
2 and a half weeks
I just realized it has been quite a substantial time since I simply blogged for other people and it just dawned on me that God uses my blogs in extraordinary ways because that is why he gives me insight often times. It so happens that as I go further and further away from that God doesn’t give insight on that big of a scale. I wonder if that is the same way with me not doing worship. The thing I think I realized today is that when we take the initiative to do things that we don’t have or don’t think we can do God blesses us if we trust. I have thought more and more recently that I am not supposed to be the worship guy in the next couple years but the thing is that when I trust in God I can do all things. Colin said something a couple days ago that has bugged my heart a little bit the fact that we missed out on things because we haven’t had the prayer group. I think that is probably true because honestly we didn’t show God that that was an important thing. I know God used me not doing it for a while to reveal a few things and I know that his plan will still be accomplished.
It is interesting though, because we as Christians although we screw up so much we never will…odd. Aaron tonight said another interesting thing that moved my heart don’t try to be better…get out of the way and yield to the power that you have within you. We need to just get out of the way. And this is why I am deciding to let this blog be posted because I can’t stand not being in tune with God’s plans I will post all my other writings at a different time but until then this will suffice.
For those who don’t know Christ as a personal savior you need Him, so desperate is your need and you don’t even realize it. Actually you probably do but you choose to satisfy it in other ways that don’t bring fulfillment. Christ is all you need for all the joy and all the satisfaction in your life. Let go to this life that you so desperately cling to. And for us as Christians let go of believing in your own power…yield.
During lent I took the oppurtunity to not blog on what was then myspace doing it only for myself. These are those posts.
I have been taking time over the past two weeks to not let you guys see little tid bits of what God is doing but rather see what happens over the course of two weeks for the Kingdom of God here at CalPoly By not blogging about things but rather so you might see God’s attack not through my eyes but your eyes. The interesting thing is, is as I sit in this airport and I think about all God has done particularly in me I want to sit here in silence and simply be still in the captivating presence known as Christ.
Avoid godless chatter because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.
2 Timothy 2:16
Within Me
Lately God has done a great work in me, he made me realize who I am and how truly horrible the flesh is that lives inside of me. But most importantly he did something unexpected he allowed me to backslide into sin in order that I might know that I am nothing apart from Him. The thing is I am not who I am because of me and although I have every right according to this world’s standards to be prideful because of the gifts and talents God has graced upon me. All that belongs to God I am no longer my own and it is Christ who comes through this body when I speak and when I have this joy and peace about me. It is Christ alone who can transform the heart and the mind. To change the heart though you must first accept in the mind.
Without love unforgiving slanderous without self control brutal not lovers of good treacherous rash conceited lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.
My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes."
-Job 42: 6
Another thing that has been happening within me is the realization that I don’t have to take every opportunity to point towards Christ. I will realize and make that more and more true every day because I love Christ but it is not because I somehow fit into God’s cosmic plan, in the area that I am to do something and it is because of me. This goes back to the whole learning that I am nothing apart from Christ because the thing is that God works in spite of sin he has held the church together for two millennia. He uses non Christians oftentimes just as much as he does with Christians the thing is though that they will not get a reward because good works don’t get someone into heaven self sacrificing loving heart condition for the sake of Christ gets you into heaven. Loving God enough to give up everything you are and crucify who you are. It is about Christ and it is about the Glory of the Father and the indwelling spirit taking control.
What if we as Christians didn’t speak of God and didn’t take any of the opportunities relying solely on the Holy Spirit for the movement and work. It says that the very rocks would cry out. Jesus will be proclaimed any way no matter what we as Christians do. Yet as to what God chooses to move through most I have no idea how to answer that question and I am forced once again to God’s word and the character of Jesus. We are to be like Jesus and he was never alone but he never was solely with non-christians but he devoted a lot of his time to his parents ten times as much as the ministry years. I am going to gander to say that I am going to take the stance as Jesus did to let God be glorified and not myself by not doing anything and taking every opportunity but I am going to bless those people around me through who Christ has made me into.
-Now when I came to Troas for the gospel of Christ and when a door was opened for me in the lord, I had no rest for my soul not finding Titus, but taking my leave of them I went on to Macedonia
-2 Corinthians 2:2
Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did
-1 John 2:6
I know that you can do all things ; no plan of yours can be thwarted You asked, 'Who is this that obscures my counsel without knowledge?' Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. "You said, 'Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me.' My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes."
-Job 42:2-6
Someone Older and Wiser
I think this year has been the first one I have really learned to respect older people for the incredible wisdom they hold. But perhaps the prospect now that I have an older Christian guy who is going to pour himself into discipiling me is by far some of the best news I have had in the last couple weeks. I need that so desperately because being stuck in a college town it is ironic that although we are “so” aware of things we keep ourselves in a bubble and don’t really don’t know what is going on in the world. That’s stupid. We need older people to interaqct with or we all come up with the same ideas.
Avoid godless chatter because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.
2 Timothy 2:16
-Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the lord and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes fear the lord and shun evil.
-Proverbs 3( the whole thing is amazing)
The Prophecy that lies within me
My dreams have been disturbed as of late much like Job the things I have seen are too lofty for mine eyes and I am reduced to dust. I am glad this will not be posted for another couple weeks because the thing is I am nothing and God is so amazing. I fear if this were posted on this day, the day that I write, I would receive glory for knowing, but I mention it hear to praise God so that I might know later on that God is so magnificent that he cares enough to let a sinner like me on his lofty things. As I awoke a couple nights ago the playboy poster fell down it has remained down to this day almost a month later. God showed me that sin will no longer reign in this room but will be torn down and we will trample over it. This room is for the conquerors those who have accepted and will accept Christ. Faith will almost be destroyed in this country but then it will come alive once again this is the time that God speaks of the last stage of the church when we no longer submit to sin and no longer let it reign in our mortal bodies.
No Idea
So I haven’t really sat down for a while to blog or I guess I would call it here a clog(computer log) since it is not on the web. So as I sit here cloging I am constantly reminded that humans are lazy. I am a really lazy individual. I have one more thing to study for and I need to get motivated. So I can pass calc. However it is good to forget that solitude and rest are necessities but also are real deep relationships with one another. We need to balance things. Because God doesn’t call us to a live a life that we are comfortable with but rather one that is outside that which is comfortable. I’m really excited to go home!!!
A prayer of Thanks
I want to say thanks to the God who has always been there when I needed him the most. One who gives me strength to fight and continue on. I want to say thanks most of all for the realationships that I have with some of the guys here and I ask your forgiveness when my thoughts are not aligned with yours and this flesh takes over. Thanks you for the peace that comes with that though. You are truly a God who cares and is there for me when I need you to be there for me. Thank you for the shaking of the Earth about to come. Thank you for using me a sinner…
I am taking time to be still
To let the emotions unravel
Finnaly dealing with whats been going on
Haven’t been myself
I am no longer fully alive
More silence makes this heart ache
I know what is needed though
To bring about what you have planned
I am willing to be ok with that
However somehow I am not
And this conflict
Could it be simply to yield
Will it ever be easy
I don’t believe it will
I will always need to be made perfect
And I…all these thoughts
Amidst them
There is peace
2 and a half weeks
I just realized it has been quite a substantial time since I simply blogged for other people and it just dawned on me that God uses my blogs in extraordinary ways because that is why he gives me insight often times. It so happens that as I go further and further away from that God doesn’t give insight on that big of a scale. I wonder if that is the same way with me not doing worship. The thing I think I realized today is that when we take the initiative to do things that we don’t have or don’t think we can do God blesses us if we trust. I have thought more and more recently that I am not supposed to be the worship guy in the next couple years but the thing is that when I trust in God I can do all things. Colin said something a couple days ago that has bugged my heart a little bit the fact that we missed out on things because we haven’t had the prayer group. I think that is probably true because honestly we didn’t show God that that was an important thing. I know God used me not doing it for a while to reveal a few things and I know that his plan will still be accomplished.
It is interesting though, because we as Christians although we screw up so much we never will…odd. Aaron tonight said another interesting thing that moved my heart don’t try to be better…get out of the way and yield to the power that you have within you. We need to just get out of the way. And this is why I am deciding to let this blog be posted because I can’t stand not being in tune with God’s plans I will post all my other writings at a different time but until then this will suffice.
For those who don’t know Christ as a personal savior you need Him, so desperate is your need and you don’t even realize it. Actually you probably do but you choose to satisfy it in other ways that don’t bring fulfillment. Christ is all you need for all the joy and all the satisfaction in your life. Let go to this life that you so desperately cling to. And for us as Christians let go of believing in your own power…yield.
Monday, March 27, 2006
In Accordance
I’m sitting here at the San Francisco listening to what I would call the greatest music in the whole world…Reuben Morgan. I am pretty obsessed with him right now. Anyways though… San Francisco is a very different place than LA. You probably are saying no duh. Seriously though, California is full of very interesting people both in LA and also in SF. The thing is though I set out this trip to figure out why is there such a rivalry between them so I decided to simply listen on the plane ride to San Francisco no music no listening just sitting and soaking it all in as I often avoid with my ipod. I came to some really interesting conclusions about people here.
We had one gay man who met his friend coincidentally to the right of me across the aisle. He said the gods had blessed him. I would call that a blessing because he got the chance to spend a plane ride talking about what he wanted to talk about and being honest with another guy about who he was. We bottle up our emotions and hide who we truly are too often. In his case it is not necessarily the best way I would look at blessed but definitely God does bless people, he does love him.
Another interesting thing that I was thinking about my mom said today that of any churches she had been apart of the one they currently attend is plagued more than any with financial problems and health problems. One thing is certain they are either doing something incredibly right and that is spiritual warfare or they are doing something terribly wrong. I think it is probably the first though because all the people that have been sick have had life changing ministries for hundreds of people. I have reason because of this and other evidence that the deeper life of Christianity is not always one full of blessings like the gay guy seems to be experiencing but rather it is one where the world is going to hate Christians who are experiencing the deep life and acting in accordance to what they have learned. Yah that sounds great doesn’t it? I keep on coming back to the fact that we are in a battle and Christianity is not an easy thing to do. No duh again. But work with me here…
The thing is though I cannot exactly explain why certain people have better circumstances than others. Why did I get stuck in front of two kids that were loud and kicking when I had decided to sit through the flight just sitting there and the gay guy got to sit next to one of his good friends by coincidence. I’m not jealous of him because I know God uses my circumstances to shape me and I am jealous of no one because I get the chance to walk where my spirit has prepared before me. I can’t ask for anything more. One thought I had though I know that at least the way the Christian community has treated people like him God is probably wrapping his arm around that guy saying I love you so much…that is what we see as blessing. I don’t want material blessing but rather for Christ to wrap his arm around me…he has already done that but I want more. I always want more hopefully one day I will reach that peak and then the more will be more than I could ever dream or imagine. That is what God is in the business of doing.
Pastor Jeff brought up the point that we as Christians are so easy to point out all those apparent problems but we are so prone to skip certain issues like worry. Sin is sin and not having faith is sin. I see that God is blessing me when I still have sin in my life, what is stopping him from blessing others who have more or even less. I don’t think we should be so prone to think ourselves better than others but rather in everything act in accordance to the servant hood that Christ poured out towards us when he made himself human and allowed himself to be killed. We should be willing to bless people no matter what sin they are in. Who are we to say who gets the blessing? Who are we to judge? That is God’s role our role is to act impartially and live in accordance to the knowledge we have gained and the knowledge we have been given. We live in an age where we know a whole lot more than any other time about the bible and archeology and everything that “proves” Christianity to be true but why are we not any better than any other generation? I don’t know. We need to act in accordance. We must.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Empty Places
I got the oppurtunity to sit and talk with my dad, I don't think we have done that for a long while. It was good, and it was just what I needed. I love my dad. When you get around to reading this I want to say thanks, dad. Thankyou for all you have done and all you will continue to do for God also as well for me. You're awesome!
I don't know any way of naturally following that so I will awkardly start...God is good, He is so good. As I talked on earlier He is infinite, so infinite. I think that deserves another blog or two. However, instead of focusing on God's character as I did last night I want to focus on what God can do especially to dry and parched lands aka the empty places of the world. While my dad and I were chatting he said one thing that will probably stick more than anything else. "Do everything with excellence. God did not create us for failure, never settle for it." I think the thing that has been overwhelming me being back the most is the amount of work that needs to be done here to make this place to the standards I have seen met in the blooming and thriving garden that is SLO. I guess I am guilty though of putting God outside His character, aren't I? God can do anything for this place, and He is willing to, we need not push Him into accordance to His character. We simply must believe. I have been guilty of not believeing, letting personal matters get in the way. I know God is getting rid of those personal matters in my life so that revival may spring up not only in SLO but also here.
When one of the guys in SLO has a vision it was not a revival just in SLO it was everywhere in started in SLO but did not stop in SLO. The thing is revivals often phizzle out, I desire one that won't. I know it is very contrary to the character of the human race to not forget...but what if God used us as christians to bring glory to his name as the jews were supposed to log ago? That we might not forget what God has done for us but desiring more and more each day because God is infinte.Always looking forward never looking back...That would be a site!!! I don't know the means necessarily but perhaps that is only because there is not means there is a mean and that is the Holy Spirit. We need nothing more than that! That is the gift that was able to be given, something worthy enough to have the Son of God killed!
As I was reading Isaiah, when God showed me things, I wonder why I have been able to see, He showed me that the key is waiting." The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired His understanding is inscrutable. He gives stregth to the weary, and him who lacks might He increases power. Though youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not grow tired, they will walk and not become weary.(Isaiah 40: 28-31)
we have a promise that if we wait on God for His perfect timeing we will be unstoppable for our Lord. As it says in 1st thessalonians "rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the spirit; do not despise prophetic utterances but examine everything carefully, hold fast to that which is good." We are to not quench the spirit( don't let our timeing get in the way) We are to be examing everything before rushing into things we must be a patient people!
I think that is probably enough for tonight...I need to be able to wake up tommorow for church I hope you can forgive me for wanting a decent night's sleep being able to be awake for my flight after that. I am so excited to go back to SLO it is amazing to know that everywhere I go the spirit has gone before me and prepared the way. That is amazing. I eagerly look forward to what this quarter will hold. All I know for certain is that God amidst so much apparent chaos is divinely orderly and has it all under control. God is good, He is so good!
What If?
Tuesday night the pastor of TNL dave Terpstra begged the question what if? What if we believed God to be who He says He is? The one who said amidst the brightest light in his time" I am the light of the world." A God who says He is so much more than anything we could possibly see or grasp in this life. A God so infinite in every characteristic. A God so amazing and so wonderful!
The bible speaks of this God who has done miracles, who has had infinite grace, infinite wisdom, infinite love, infinite patience, infinite understanding, infinitely giving all of Himself for an undeserving people. I have come more and more to the conclusion reading through the old testament that God is who He says He is and He is not one of be put in the box of our own desires, making Him out to be what we want Him to be. The thing I don't think a lot of people get is that although God is a God of love He is a God of wrath as well .They pick those characteristics they like and focus soley on those. Get a bigger picture than that!
Along other lines I don't think people believe they are bad because they don't have a perception of God or the perception of what I see God to be, one of infitude. God is so big! The thing that Job found out is that God owes us nothing yet He chooses to be willing to bestow upon us the fullness of blessing if we allow Him too. Allowing means recognizing Jesus' death not because God simply said I screwed up but rather He chose to be a God so characteristic of love that it didn't matter that mankind was undeserving He would give up his only son for us. That is what is amazing!
I often times don't like to write myself as having gained the upper hand on this issue because by no means do I think I have it down . I believe that as infinite as God is so is our surrender to Him, it can reach a point of "whole surrender" but beyond that there is always more...there always will be simply more. The thing is, Christians, you need to believe God to be more than what you think Him to be. He is a God who has been characterized by revivals, miracles, and is proclaimed in Beauty itself. He is Big! Get that through your minds and understand that He wants and is willing to be characterized by what he has done in the past if you would only let him.
As to how that is different for each one of us and this is why I believe many pastors seem to not be helpful to many people they simply want the easy way out, a quick fix. However there is no quick fix in the Christian walk it is a rough walk and when it becomes easy when there is no more struggle you may have just stopped climbing up the mountain of the deeper life. I hate to say this, it needs to be said, you need to understand that God has everything cleverly orchestrated and it is not always going to go according to your guys' plan. Infact from this point out things are going to start to fall apart because you have not left room for the spirit to plan things fully you have let yourselves get in the way. The spirit is eternal the flesh temporal. I pray each day Christians everywhere would rise above your day to day life and see what the spirit has for those who are fully surrendered. I believe He will answer that prayer in some form whether it be my generation or another one.
Please wake up and take all the blessings God has for you! Beg the question what if God is who He says He is?
Friday, March 24, 2006
Writing Tough Letters
I was convicted tonight big time on how I haven't forgiven people. I was thinking as I was listening to this message tonight I have forgiveness down. However, the truth is I still harbor resentment in my heart toward some people no matter how pacifist I am. One man in particular one of my friends from school. Why do I harbor anger against him? He was taring me apart by telling me what I wasn't doing. He was talking bad about christianity. But however right I might be in thinking I need to defend my God does not need to be defended. I was wrong for thinking that I was somehow someone that could do "the" God of infitude justice.
The other my parents, I somehow harbored anger that they want me to become what they are. I've realized a lot about where my passions lie. I don't want to get married and have kids. I don't want to stay in America. I want to be serving my lord where he will use me best that is where my heart lies. That is in missions. I have this weird calling to go to Asia. I want that above all else. I finally realized why I said I was jealous of my friend above. I wish that I could do what he was doing by helping people but I am honoring my parents by being at school and getting this degree. That is what I am supposed to be doing I am not missing out on that because I know that lies in my future because I have this desire inside of me. I must honor my parents and for not doing that last quarter I must make amends by writing a simple apology letter. The thing is though my lord wants me to honor my parents that is what it boils down to lately. I will do that this next quarter. God will honor me. I remeber his promises. They are good ones. God is so good!!!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
I Need More
Since I have been back one thing has been apparent about this place. Although this place used to be so spiritually alive to me, it is now so dead. The resoning behind that is I have experienced so much more. I've been thinking also a lot about churches. I got the chance to talk with my mentor last night and he pointed out that the role of a church is to challenge you to the next level. How many christians just settle for half way up the peak and stay there? Far too many I believe. That is the case in most of America the suburbs are not the most spirit filled places. I believe they could be but they are not. And thinking and deciding upon whether to stay here over the summer a few things cross my mind. The thing is though again I love my parents and wish to spend time with them but I am glad that I can recognize that because this place is so dead spiritually that God either wants this place to be alive once again over this summer or he wants me to honor my parents by working which will somehow fit into this master plan of God's. I have need for so much more then mediocrity in this life. God knows this and has answered that desire and I am amazed but I am spoiled with God's blessing and want more.I have no idea what the next months beyond the three hold. One thing I am sure of though is that God will bring me through and He alone will be my strength and He alone will satisfy me. I need more and God being a god of infitude will give it if I stay in HIs will.
Look at the nations and watch- and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told. -Habbakuk 1:5
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
I have been thinking a lot lately about my future over the past couple days or so and I have come to a couple interesting things that I didn't really realize about myself. I am going to college to please my parents and honor them. My first priority should be my parents and appeasing them. They are great people and even if they weren't still Christ devoted thirty years of his thrity three to serve His parents. This is one thing that we often forget. It is often the model of serving that ministers to people more than simply ministry.
I can honestly say that this quarter much of my priorites were not in the right place. I placed God much above serving people especially my parents and it showed in my grades. I tried as best I could but when my priorities lied in the wrong place it was only a showcase that something on the inside was a little out of whack. Last night taught me alot about myself and how much work there needs to be done within me. God is faithful to complete the good work he has started in me.
And as each quarter showcases there needs to be a new balance struck. This one will play off honoring my parents. I am thinking in my mind well you don't need to do anything God will guide you but as my mom told me a long time ago we must take some initative in things. God will honor you if you are honoring him but the place God wants me to be at I have not reached that point yet. I doubt how deep my faith is and act on the knowledge that I am not better than any human being on the earth. With that knowledge I am going to take initative trusting God to honor my time with him and teach me in the alone places and by maybe not attending biblestudy this quarter. I will lay aside my pride by getting a tutor as my parents asked. And I will stop playing religious christian and become one based on realationship crucifying those realationships that God is not going to do anything with this quarter. I serve a God who walked as one of us humans and knows exactley what I am going through. He works despite me and the picture I see I am there to help but something about this quarter is going to be quite different and I rest as I said last night in the knowledge that he will carry me through it all okay.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Cleverly Orchestrated
I found myself in pure unceasing worship today...this feeling however does not seem to be going away but getting stronger. I am finding myself in an unceasing curve of more intense praise and yet apart from that there is one aspect that is still hampering this praise from reaching the point where it should be...that is fear. Fear of letting go of all the security I have and the fear I have to leave these roots I have planted some of them very deep.
However I come to realize that I am foolish to deny all that God has for me because of the sheer cleverly orchestratedness of it all. I can not deny all He has done for me and how he continues to use me in ways I cannot even begin to explain. How could I not give my could I? What God is going to do, it is breathtaking, a generation restored and returning to their rightful Master King.
I learned another thing today that I failed calc...which bothers me greatly but I hate the fact that people are reopening the wound when I was not okay with it.I hated that place where I was unsure of God controling everything perfectly. Could I slipp so easily back into that? It goes to show once again that it is not me that has peace but rather Christ within me and it showcases how far I am truly from Christ. I hate the fact that I can be so easily upset when my parents are not happy with me...I understand what some people say now that when a parent doesn't show love in this case support or seems dissapointed with their kids it hurts more than anything else. I believe they are showing love in what they are doing I honestly do and who am I to judge their generation...I am not their elder. I must learn to trust if I am to overcome. I have a rough quarter ahead of me...but I know that which indwells me will carry me through alright and I still worship my God unceasingly cause he predestined me before the foundations of time itself to do the wonderful things my life holds.
I rest in that fact alone...a little distressed...yet comforted in Jesuah's arms.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Goodbye Myspace
I deleted my myspace account and all future blogs and other things will be posted on this page from now on... for those who did not catch my last blog this is it below
I have been in contemplation lately on several issues but one main one has seemed to be at the forefront of my mind...surrender( complete and utter). As I have been reading the old testament I amazed to find that there is no man that has fully surrender everything to God. I believe it as paul points out that being in the flesh we are unable to fully surrender everything to Christ and we therefore do things that are sinful and cause us to be bound although our spirit is free when we accept Christ. The thing I don't think we as christians realize myself included is that the Holy Spirit is living inside of each of us and the power that comes along with that we should be able to tap into that but we don't ...sin is still in our lives and we are not fully surrendered.
We are too casual with sin in our day and age. You as a christian body myself included has let sin remain and let Satan keep this spirit that belongs to God in bondage. I would say that is no better than being without christ in the first place. I would encourage you to begin to talk back to the devil...this world is a battleground we should not sit idly we should realize we are in lion country and act accordingly.
I fear my thoughts in the past have been far too disorganized. I am ashamed to look back on blogs in hindsight and realize that my presentation of the gospel has been in some way inadequate because of not fully surrendering to Christ. Praise God that as Job found out that His plans cannot be ruined by mine nor your feeble attempts to control them.
On another note I will note that the plan God has laid out does not look at all like the plans we ourselves layout. Get out of the way of God's plans and I ask you to finally realize how free you longer a slave to what you were. There is power in what you have my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ it is time you start using it...If you don't know how to do that start by obeying and reading God's word...The Holy Spirit will guide you from there.
Perhaps in more clarity this time round,
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
I always had a dream to go beyond the road
to climb the distant hill and find a field
a place where I could pen a phrase
so beautiful so clear
But now when I find myself above all else
Where the earth meets the sky
When I find myself in a field of green
With nothing but you
these things fall apart
When afraid to search within myself
I find the only good is you
With tough questions in my head
I am forced to question you
I am so lost..yet found
in beauty that does surround
Above what I do not see
such beauty...your mystery
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Final Layouts and Stuff
This is the doesn't compare to some of the earlier stuff of the quarter I think but I think the fact that I am realizing that the last guy in the class still graduates as doctor that I don't need to be a perfectionist is a nice realization. It's good to spend time on more important things.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
The Work Lately
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