Thursday, April 27, 2006

A honeybee Stumbling

I don't often come to a period of time where I can not seem to come to any words at all to describe events. And trying to describe the events of today I would fail in every attempt cause my words do not take into account everything that is happening because I am not omnipitent. I will only mention the words of Dr. Maclaren "ability involves responsibility."

It is interesting how in all the revivals of church history there is always prayer and then there are leaders normally 1 that gets blessed by God because of his stepping out in faith. I got the chance to lead alongside the man who I suspected from that night would be the one. He got in front of the UU this afternoon and laid out the words that this campus needed to hear a few hundred greek people or so. Whether that was the right approach who knows but the thing is he stepped out. I was reading psalm 18 yesterday slightly before it started thundering big time here. It talks of God's voice booming like the thunder. That was amazing! Cause apparenlty it hasn't been that strong in quite a while in SLO it was sweet!

Back to the quote and the interesting blog title, I began praying an hour or so before the "event" happened and as I began to pray God showed me a bumblebee on the concrete who couldn't fly for some reason. This guy that stepped out something holding him back that people can't see. He has the make of a man of God but there is something keeping him from flying and when that is released and healed as only revival can do, let's just say I am excited!

Beyond that I have most excellent news to report Revival is springing up at 3 different campuses mostly in LA UCLA and USC also Ohio State University reports are coming in of how people are being healed and 100's are turning to Christ. God is big!!! So huge!!! I wonder when I will get to hear of what God is doing internationally because I know he is working there as well. My heart will be warmed by that news. Beyond that keep this campus in your prayers that God would continue to pour his spirit into the non-believers here and that miracles signs and wonders would be done in God's name. Also that people will turn from sin, that is where it starts repentance. Getting on our knees and crucifing ourselves for the gospel to be proclaimed.

"And the times of this ignorance God winked at: but now commandeth all men every where to repent: because he hath appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead "
-Acts 17:30-31

Also for the parents the calc midterm went good in Calc I should know by monday and I will try and call this weekend.

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