Sunday, April 23, 2006

Taking a break!

I have officially worked pretty much straight this weekend so far and it actually has been enjoyable because I know that because I am getting things done during the weekend things are going to be rather easy this week and that will be really nice. Anyways the whole christian community on campus is having a revival prayer movement which should be sweet I am pretty excited to know that although I don't know all that is going on I see that we are truly as it talks about one heart and one mind. That is beautiful to see. Anyways if you are at CalPoly join us this week from 7-7 every day this week starting tonight in the UU. Pretty much this should be awesome I am so excited! Anyways the above is my layout that I have devoted most of this weekend to along with other HW so hopefully it looks good and as always I am sure it will change but here I stop for a while.

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