As I continue to develop relationships with all these guys in the hall and my future roomates I am amazed to find how little people actually know how to develop realationships with other men on a deeper level. I was having a talk with a guy last week about what has been going on in regards towards his feelings toward his roomate. The things was I was having the same problem, these two guys had trouble with wanting everything so nice that they were missing out on life. They were too busy planning things that they missed out on building deep realtionships. They were too busy wanting things for themeselves that they didn't spend time just doing nothing, enjoying life. I was thinking though that this issue is very common in our society we are so afraid to self sacrifice. So afraid to develop these deep realatioships.
My architecture class had a two hour debate on coffee yesterday and how starbucks has commercialized this beautiful italian idea of sitting and enjoying life and doing nothing. The thing is though we have made this beutiful thing stressful. You have to wait in line in the morning and deal with not being happy. On those same lines though people need people we can't be all alone all the time, we need to be with people. I got the oppurtunity last quarter to just sit and be with a friend of mine, not many words were spoken but just knowing someone is there is such a welcome relief, how many of us would really drop everything to just sit and be with a friend. I think that is real friendship where you sacrifice what you have for others laying down your life in the model of Christ for others.
I don't have many other thoughts than that but this. What would a christian community look like if we all would stop being so dang selfish and sacrifice ourselves for others behalf because Christ loved us first? I wait to see...
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