Thursday, April 20, 2006

Railroads and Trains

I haven't really gathered my thoughts in a long while and I guess I have not really had time to organize them at all cause whenever they do come out, my thoughts that is, they are very scattered. My roomate got a concussion Monday night and has since then been rather lazy sitting in His and I's room watching movies skipping out on class and prettymuch doing nothing with his life. Understand it was a mild consussion and the doctor said he could sleep that night meaning it was nothing. He is considering swtiching majors cause architecture is hard and has a whole bunch of other issues going on that he doesn't realize and this room is the dirtiest I have ever seen

However through it all it is cool to have the oppurtunity to serve him as Christ served his people. That previous paragraph may seem like a lot of complaining but I find a beautiful analogy of it all in service to fellow humans beings who can't do stuff. Anyways though I was listening to trains come through the campus the other day and it is amazing with what percision they come. I was thinking of that as a metaphor for the christian walk though that although we may not progress very fast we still are progressing and we make a lot of noise when we go through anywhere and are oftentimes inconvienent to others. We need to stop making noise. One thing I learned last night is that Jesus did not start his ministry until he was filled with the holy spirit. We need to be filled before we do anything.

I see another problem though as in the case of my roomate. Ppeople refuse to let go of their laziness and remember those desires and those things they want out of lives and let that influence them. This generation is lazy. I find though that, that very truth, is very true within me. I keep coming to the first time in my christian walk where I refuse to trust God wholly in things and although a good place to be where I realize my motives are unpure I find myself altogether lacking because I am lazy. That is the horrible thing about christianity today although it seems to be doing so much we are lazy. We are lazy to actually work hard and diligently. We can't find a smile on our face because we refuse to dare to believe the hard stuff. God is good. God is soverign. I am procrastinating as I write because I am so amazed at God and what he is doing here and I am altogether disgusted with myself and the only redeeming quality within me is the holy spirit. That's the way it should be though. God is the only one that is good! He is so good. We are having a campuswide prayer week where we will be praying non stop for seven days next week devoted to revival in the hearts of the belivers here. I am excited for what is to come. I need to get back to my homework and the massive load I have to do this weekend but know God is sovereign and so totally amazing. Sorry this seems jumbled i will try and get things sorted out in my mind before I write again cause seriouslky all this chaos is not good.


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