Sunday, April 09, 2006

Meddling in Spiritual Things

I got the oppurtunity to buy Narnia today and I watched it for the second time and once again just like the first time I saw it, Mr C. S. Lewis spoke to me so incredibly, it was God speaking through his writing but it was incredible.

My sister stated a long time ago that C.S. Lewis knew more about God than hardly anyone else in history. I think she is probably right! He knew more about prophecy than many men knew, or he either just alllowed God to control him unaware. I won't go into all of it here, but the thing is that God is quite amazing and especially the plan that he allows us to participate in. I wonder a lot of times like Peter in the story how am I supposed to lead this army on my own. Everyone trusts me around me, but I don't trust myself, it's true. I know myself well enough to know that everyday God continues to get larger in my mind as the awarnesss of my sin grows exponentially.

I will not be attending church in the morning and on that subject I am not going to join a church! Or the common sense of church. I am going to get involved with a church on campus known as Campus Crusade for Christ. And then I have my Sunday Celebration for my worshiping through song.

Tonight I also got the chance to talk to one of the guys in my bible study who wants so passionately to follow Christ but the fact that he has only been a christian for a year dissapoints him because he wants so much more. Don't limit God he isn't, he is earnestly seeking God. My prayer for him tonight is that he would find that more that he is looking for...I think that is what all of us are looking for. We are looking for a life that will be as captivating as the story of Narnia. One full of prophecy, full of weapons, battles, sacrifice, love, passion, healing, redemption, and power. I want this world to know Christ and I am looking forward to all the stuff because I know God is going to give it to me if I ask. I desire to be a fully surrendered being. Nothing is going to stop me!

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