Sunday, December 10, 2006

Love that drove the Nails

Oh the desire that compels us
And the love that makes us move
Oh the richest of movement
And the love that drove the nails

Oh the hardest of hearts that was shattered
My own hard heart that was so stubborn

Call that compels us
This love that makes us move
Manifest, surrendered we fall
This love that drove the nails

Oh the sweetest and softest of melodies
That could pierce in one blow

Shattered broken on the barren ground
Dirt and mangled face
Blood and nails, bruises and scars
love that drove the nails

One tear He wept
That all tears might be gone
One tear He wept
This love that drove the nails



Anonymous said...

This is maybe one of my favorites that you've written so far. It's part of that paradox of a love so enormous, so infinitely wise, we 97% don't understand.

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely, utterly beautiful

Kyle Fletcher said...

John wow

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