The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green. Psalm 92:12-15
Monday, November 06, 2006
Something Surrounding Circumstance
I am amazed at the ability my emotions have to wage war against me. I am amazed at how things I thought I never would struggle with have come to cripple me more than any other. I am amazed that God would be able to bend us back even straighter than before.Praise be to the God of restoration. The God of the new birth after the most horrible death.
If you don't know God has put me in unique places all my life. Through God's grace alone have I been able to be adjustable to the divine stretching that God wants to do, and by no means has it been easy. I will repeat again nothing of myself contributes to this I have only prayed and made decisions and the choice to be stretched. Apart from that I have done nothing but simply been available for His use.
Last night was one of the worst and best nights in my recent past. God stretched me in ways I couldn't can't and until heaven will probably never fully begin to comprehend. He bended me back into the shape He wants for me for this time place and season. Now with some realizations that I am very uncomfortable with and some direction that I am also uncomfortable with I have gained an understanding and something to write about.
There is something surrounding circumstance that we don't seem to get as Christians we look to everything except those things that will help. We let circumstane dictate things rather than a steadfast unchanging God. This must stop! We must forever be seeking out the face of Christ. Like Peter I was for so long looking at Jesus literally walking on water having wonders be done around me but then something happened, I got sidetracked by a little thing called circumstance and began to sink. Praise be to Jesus who rescues when we are sinking in deep water.
"He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy,from my foes, who were too strong for me...the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me...For who is God besides the Lord? and who is the Rock except our God ? It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect...You stoop down to make me great...therefore I will praise...I will sing praises to your name...unfailing God."
-psalm 18
Isn't that a God we should desire to whole heartedly pursue!As Evan would say "DUH"! I believe fully we lose sight of that.
"Lord here I am again in a dry and barren hole, a place where nothing can speak to me but this deepness and despair. Yet I can still see the light You so willingly offer and it is the only thing that gets me through. I am parched in desperate need of You. I know this all has purpose and I await what You will do with these circumstances and realizations..."
It is amazing that God could do such a transformational thing over the course of five hours last night bringing me out of darkness into full light. I learned above all else from last night that I give too much of myself. God is teaching me to play the bigger game be a player not an architect. He is teaching me the little leagues before he realeases me on the bigger ones. I guess it is all really about submission, making peace and having enough faith to believe God is who He is... unfailing.
You think I would get that by now but it seems the simplest lessons need to be retaught again and again.
We need to learn to make Jesus Friend foremost, He is always there for us always wanting to talk always willing to listen and wishing us to get better spuring us on to a deeper love and a deeper longing for and possesion of abundance of joy. He is never about all the stuff we as Christians make it about. He is simply about growing together, experiencing abundant life together.
We lost sight of the big picture. Circumstance can get us down. By no means am I saying life won't have its ups and downs yet when you know you have someone there that is the Friend of all Friends you lose sight of everything else. Your desires become His and His become yours. There is a beautiful thing I like to call divine flow. We lose sight that every molecule, every drop is beconing us back to the streams which lead to the river and those rivers which lead to bigger bodies of water.
Everything in the Christian life is simple we make it too complicated. It is all about Jesus. It is all about Him. Having His heart within us and letting that love that burns undying like the radiant sun reach out and warm this cold and dying world. Refall in love with Jesus...He is more than worthy to be called friend.
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Your heart is so precious in the sight of God.
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