Thursday, July 20, 2006

Refocusing...Needing some refocusing

I had the oppurtunity to take tommorow off, I decided to do so, I needed sometime to refocus. To refocus on who I am in Christ, who I am apart form Christ, and have a day at most with God and I alone, perhaps I will go hiking or go commune with God in HIs creation or I will choose the quiet of my room and my noise cancelling headphones. I am not skilled to understand what my God has willed what my God has planned for tommorow, we'll see.

I wanted to write to you all concerning this subject of refocusing. I say we do not do this enough. And I ask myself the question along with all of you why in a world where our focus can go so many other ways and we get distracted so easily, why do we not continually refocus our gaze, refocus who we are, refocus so we can be an even greater light than the one that we experience. I think of the illustration of a magnifign glass and how it focuses light. When we begin to focus the light that is eminating from all around us we can start a few fires...I know however when we focus the true light, by reading His word, and communing on Him, forcing our will to be aligned sacrificially giving of ourselves, practicing the disciplines Jesus gave for us to practice, we begin to focus and make a difference.

I was pondering today about what if Elise and I were to say no to God, don't freak out Elise, it will never happen. Say no to the area of being called to missions in SE Asia or whervever he may call us. Would He bless us? IDK The thing is it would bug our conscience until the day we died! We would always have a desperate longing for some change to be done, to be used in some big way so that God may be glorified!

Also in my devotion today I thing God gave some interesting direction from 2nd Thessalonians I feel these words were written for me " We have confidence in the Lord concerning you, that you are doing and will continue to do what we command. May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ.

I am one of those people if someone believes in me I can do anything but when I feel a downward force pushing me back into discouragment I don't desire to be anything than a bum. I thank God every day for the wonderous thing that is inside of me known as the Holy Spirit who encourages me and since my salvation have not allowed me to fall into pure nothing. I am encouraged each day that within me is the capacity to do just as much as Jesus did and even more, and yes that is biblical "greater works"Most certainly I tell you, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also; and he will do GREATER WORKS than these, because I am going to my Father.
John 14:12

We must refocus though, it is a necessity


I just sat and read the past 3 months of what God has done in this life and around me. We must make an account of what Jesus has done, and we must constantly look forward towards the wonderful things to come gaining an eternal mindset but always remembering where we have come from. I wear three things on my hands as markers of where I have been some bad some good. My purity ring is a reminder of all the failures I have made in that area but also the new purity found in Jesus and His blood! A blue climbing rope braclet, to remind me of Nate, a friend who died last summer, and the joy and peace I have in Christ when there should be none. My CREW black braclet, a reminder of high school and all that entails, honesty lack of honesty depth lack of depth etc...

NEways i am going to post this but it will be tweaked at a later date, I am going to bed!


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